Tag: TT Circuit

Enter Assen race now

On August 12 and 13, the next highlight of this season awaits the participants of the BOSS GP Racing Series. The Jack’s Racing Day at TT Circuit Assen is one of the biggest motorsport events in Europe with a unique mix of car, motorbike and superkart racing, stunts and demonstrations. BOSS GP is one of the main attractions of the event!

If you want to take part in the race in the Netherlands, you have to be fast: Registration is open until 28 July 2023. Interested teams and drivers can find all the necessary documents under For Teams.

No BOSS GP race in Assen

Travel restrictions prevent arrival.

The race weekend of the BOSS GP Racing Series at the Gamma Racing Days in Assen, planned for 26th and 27th September, had to be cancelled. Stricter measures to contain the corona virus in many European countries are preventing numerous team members of the international BOSS GP starting grid from travelling to Assen.

There is currently no additional event planned for the cancelled race in the Netherlands. The next BOSS GP race is scheduled for 10th October at the beautiful Mugello F1 and MotoGP circuit in Italy.