Tag: F1

Report: Qualifying Assen

Assen bebt: BOSS GP auf Rundenrekordjagd im Qualifying.

Die Poleposition sicherte sich zum dritten Mal 2019 Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed). Eine weitere Verbesserung seines persönlichen Rundenrekords von gestern (1:18.246) gelang ihm knapp nicht. Der Rekord-Champion wird versuchen, im Rennen mit seinem Toro Rosso STR1 nochmals nachzulegen.

Ebenfalls aus der ersten Startreihe geht der Beste der FORMULA-Klasse ins Rennen: Alessandro Bracalente (ITA, Speed Center) schnappte sich mit über einer Sekunde Vorsprung die „Pole“. Es war ebenfalls die bereits dritte FORMULA-Bestzeit des Italieners in der BOSS GP-Jubiläumssaison 2019.

Tabellenführer Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) gab sich keine Blöße und folgt in Reihe 2, zusammen mit dem immer konstanteren Luca Martucci (ITA, MM International). Das Italo-Quartett vervollständigt Gianluca Ripoli (ITA, MM International) mit Rang 5. Ripoli fuhr damit sein bislang bestes BOSS GP-Qualifyingergebnis ein.

Philippe Haezebrouck (FRA, Speed Center) bestätigte die aufsteigende Tendenz der letzten Rennen – er startet von Platz 6. Salvatore de Plano (ITA, Top Speed) hatte gestern mit technischen Problemen zu kämpfen und schaffte nur drei Runden in den zwei Trainings. Heute legte er 12 Runden hin und qualifizierte sich als Gesamt-Siebenter.

Andreas Fiedler (DEU, Fiedler Racing) ließ sich auch von einer weghängenden TV-Onboardkamera nicht irritieren und wurde Achter. In Reihe 5 stehen Armando Mangini und Walter Steding. Christian Eicke geht dahinter von 11, „Piter“ von 12 ins Rennen.

Ernüchternd verlief das Qualifying für den in Assen bekannt starken Peter Göllner (SUI, Speed Center). Er musste seinen GP2-Dallara nach nur drei Runden an der Seite parken. Gemeinsam mit Rookie Ulf Ehninger (DEU, ESBA Racing) im F1-Benetton B197 geht er aus Reihe 7 ins 20-minütige Rennen heute Nachmittag.

Hans Laub (DEU, Speed Center) im 1996er-Forti ließ das Zeittraining aus. Das erste Rennen der BOSS GP im Rahmen der DTM in Assen beginnt heute Samstag um 17:10 Uhr. Laut aktuellem Wetterbericht sind Regenschauer zu erwarten. Die Pirelli Cinturato stehen jedenfalls parat.

Report: Qualifying Assen

Assen trembles: BOSS GP on lap record chase in qualifying.

The pole position was secured for the third time in 2019 by Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed). A further improvement of his personal lap record from yesterday (1:18.246) was just not possible. The record champion will try to improve in race one with his Toro Rosso STR1 again.

The best-in-class FORMULA driver will also start from the front row of the grid: Alessandro Bracalente (ITA, Speed Center) grabbed pole with an advantage of over a second. It was also the Italian’s third FORMULA best time in the 2019 BOSS GP anniversary season.

Championship leader Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) didn’t miss a beat and follows in row 2, along with ever more consistent Luca Martucci (ITA, MM International). Gianluca Ripoli (ITA, MM International) completed the Italian quartet with 5th place, his best BOSS GP qualifying result so far.

Philippe Haezebrouck (FRA, Speed Center) confirmed the improving pace of the last races – he starts from 6th place. Salvatore de Plano (ITA, Top Speed) had technical problems yesterday and only managed three laps in the two practice sessions. Today he did 12 laps and qualified as overall seventh.

Andreas Fiedler (DEU, Fiedler Racing) stayed focused even with a TV onboard camera hanging away and finished eighth. In row 5 are Armando Mangini and Walter Steding. Christian Eicke starts behind from 11, “Piter” from 12.

The qualifying session was disappointing for Peter Göllner (SUI, Speed Center), who is well known for his strong performance in Assen. He had to park his GP2 Dallara at the side after only three laps. Together with rookie Ulf Ehninger (DEU, ESBA Racing) in the F1 Benetton B197, he will start the 20-minute race from row 7 this afternoon.

Hans Laub (DEU, Speed Center) in the 1996 Forti skipped the timed practice. The first race of the BOSS GP within the DTM in Assen starts today Saturday at 17:10 o’clock. According to the current weather forecast rain showers are to be expected. For sure the Pirelli Cinturato rain tyres are standing by in the pits.

Report Free Practice Assen

Here we go: Day 1 for BOSS GP in the Netherlands!

Two half-hour practice sessions were held on the first race day in the Netherlands. The driving time was used extensively by the 17 pilots, some of them completed over 35 laps. The BOSS GP pilots gathered experience for the remaining weekend, although according to the weather forecast it could rain tomorrow as opposed to today.

The fastest time was once again set by Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed), who even beat his own track record in the Toro Rosso STR1 with a time of 1:18.246. It was also the Austrian who, together with Alessandro Bracalente (ITA, Speed Center), represented the BOSS GP at yesterday’s show run in the city centre of Assen. On the “Coulthard Road”, BOSS GP showed what 800 hp are capable of. Over 200 kph and “donuts” on public roads delighted the approximately 20,000 fans.

Back to the Friday practice sessions: Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) set the tone for the FORMULA cars. The leader of the standings underlined his favourite role for qualifying tomorrow morning (Saturday, 10:50 a.m.) with the best time in the class of FORMULA cars. Second fastest FORMULA driver today: Luca Martucci (ITA, MM International) ahead of Bracalente, who is obviously trying to recover from Monza’s messed up weekend. Today’s fourth best time brings him into the top 5 and thus into Q1.

The biggest surprises of today’s practice day were Philippe Haezebrouck (FRA, Speed Center) and Peter Göllner (SUI, Speed Center). Göllner finished fifth with 1:29.729 in the Free Practice 2, Haezebrouck sixth with 1:29.8. Also “Piter” (FRA, Ray-Ban) was able to impress and could play a bigger role in the midfield this time than in previous races.

For BOSS GP this race weekend will kick-off second half of the season. After Hockenheim, Red Bull Ring and Monza the races 7 (Saturday, 17:10) and 8 (Sunday, 11:50) will take place in Assen. Tickets are still available on site.

Report: Freies Training Assen

Es geht los: der BOSS GP in den Niederlanden!

Zwei halbstündige Trainings standen am ersten Renntag in den Niederlanden am Plan. Die Fahrzeit wurde von den 17 Piloten ausgiebig genützt, von einigen wurden über 35 Runden abgespult. Damit sammelten die BOSS GP-Piloten Erfahrungswerte für das weitere Wochenende, wenngleich es morgen laut Wetterbericht im Unterschied zu heute regnen könnte.

Die schnellste Zeit setzte wieder einmal Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed), der im Toro Rosso STR1 mit 1:18.246 sogar seinen eigenen Streckenrekord unterbot. Der Österreicher war es auch, der gemeinsam mit Alessandro Bracalente (ITA, Speed Center) den BOSS GP beim gestrigen Showrun in der Innenstadt von Assen vertrat. Auf der „Coulthard Road“ zeigte BOSS GP, was 800 PS im Stande sind zu leisten. Über 200 km/h und „Donuts“ im Ortsgebiet waren nur ausnahmsweise erlaubt und erfreuten die rund 20.000 Fans.

Zurück zu den Freitagstrainings: Den Ton bei den FORMULA-Autos gab Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) an. Der Tabellenführer untermauerte seine Favoritenrolle für das Qualifying morgen Vormittag (Samstag, 10:50 Uhr) mit der Bestzeit in der Gruppe der FORMULA-Boliden. Zweitschnellster FORMULA-Fahrer heute: Luca Martucci (ITA, MM International) vor Bracalente, der sichtlich bemüht ist, das verkorkste Wochenende von Monza wieder gut zu machen. Die viertbeste Zeit von heute Freitag bringt ihn unter die Top-5 und damit in Q1.

Die größten Überraschungen des heutigen Trainingstages lieferten Philippe Haezebrouck (FRA, Speed Center) und Peter Göllner (SUI, Speed Center). Göllner wurde mit 1:29.729 im 2. Freien Training sogar Fünfter, Haezebrouck mit 1:29.8 Sechster. Überzeugen konnte auch „Piter“ (FRA, Ray-Ban), der im Mittelfeld dieses Mal eine größere Rolle spielen könnte als bei den vorigen Rennen.

Für den BOSS GP geht’s an diesem Rennwochenende in die zweite Saisonhälfte. Nach Hockenheim, Red Bull Ring und Monza finden in Assen die Saisonläufe 7 (Samstag, 17:10 Uhr) und 8 (Sonntag, 11:50 Uhr) statt. Tickets sind noch an der Tageskassa erhältlich.

Preview & Guide Assen

Before Max Verstappen and Co. compete in a Dutch Grand Prix next year, BOSS GP will give Netherlands a taste of Formula 1 this weekend in Assen.

This year, the BOSS GP teamed up with the German Touring Car Masters to offer the 100,000 fans an incomparable racing line-up. While Assen is new for the DTM, the 4.5-kilometer TT Circuit is familiar territory for the BOSS GP. The fastest racing series in Europe was part of the GAMMA Racing Day in recent years.

What does the DTM event offer?

It all starts on Thursday in the city centre of Assen with its 68,000 inhabitants: From 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. there will be a show run on the Vaart Zuidzijde, with free admission and demo rides of all racing series of the weekend. BOSS GP with the fastest racing cars in the world and the heroes who drive them can also be seen in action.

From Friday to Sunday there will be full day action on the TT Circuit with a total of six sessions of the BOSS GP. The Big Open Single Seater series makes possible, that formula cars of the highest categories can still be seen at their original purpose: Racing against each other. Also driving are DTM, Porsche Carrera Cup Benelux, Lotus Cup Europe and the Women’s Formula Series W Series. Of course, Assen can’t do without bikes on the traditional motorcycle track either: Moto2 demo laps fill the breaks between the races.

BOSS GP schedule Assen

Friday, 19 July 2019:
11:40–12:10 Free Practice 1 (30 Minutes)
14:45–15:10 Free Practice 2 (25 Minutes)

Saturday, 20 July 2019:
10:50–11:20 Qualifying (Q1: 8 Minutes/Break: 2 Minutes/Q2: 20 Minutes)
11:35–12:20 Pitwalk
12:00–12:20 Autograph session all drivers BOSS GP (Show Stage Paddock)
17:10–17:30 Race 1 (20 Minutes)
19:00 Live concert DJ Fedde Le Grand (Show Stage Paddock)

Sunday, 21 July 2019:
09:45–09:55 Warm-up (10 Minutes)
10:55–11:35 Pitwalk
11:50–12:10 Race 2 (20 Minutes)

Where can I find the BOSS GP cars, teams and drivers?

A part of the BOSS GP is located in the pits, the other teams in large tents behind pit lane. Fans can watch the BOSS GP teams at work closely, as admission to the paddock is included in all ticket categories. In addition, the pit lane will be opened twice a weekend for fans during the pit walk. Motorsport fans can’t get closer to Formula 1 anywhere else.

How do I get tickets for the event in Assen?

Weekend tickets from 49 Euro. Buy them online www.dtm.com/en/tickets/assen-2019 or or on site.

Where can I follow the BOSS GP from Assen online?

Live timing and detailed results on www.wige-livetiming.de/dtm.html
All results also on bossgp.com
Up to date with Instagram @bossgpofficial and Facebook @bossgpofficial
The latest pictures from race weekend in our gallery bossgp.com

Vorschau & Guide Assen

Bevor Max Verstappen & Co. nächstes Jahr in den Niederlanden wieder einen Grand Prix bestreiten, gibt’s mit der BOSS GP in Assen bereits jetzt Formel-1-Feeling zu erleben.

Für dieses Jahr spannte sich die BOSS GP mit dem Deutschen Tourenwagen Masters zusammen, um den rund 100.000 Fans ein unvergleichliches Rennsport-Programm zu bieten. Während Assen für die DTM Neuland bedeutet, ist der 4,5 Kilometer lange TT Circuit für die schnellste Rennserie Europas gewohntes Territorium.

Was wird in Assen geboten?

Los geht’s bereits am Donnerstag in der Innenstadt der 68.000-Einwohner-Stadt Assen: Von 17 bis 19 Uhr gibt’s auf der Vaart Zuidzijde einen Showrun, bei freiem Eintritt und mit Demofahrten aller Rennserien des Wochenendes. Live zu sehen ist auch die BOSS GP mit den schnellsten Rennautos der Welt und den Helden, die sie bewegen.

Von Freitag bis Sonntag gibt’s dann ganztags Action auf dem TT Circuit mit insgesamt sechs Sessions der BOSS GP. Mit der BOSS GP sind Formelautos der höchsten Kategorien noch bei ihrem ursprünglichen Zweck zu sehen: Rennen fahren. Außerdem fahren DTM, Porsche Carrera Cup Benelux, Lotus Cup Europe und die Frauen-Formelserie W Series. Ganz ohne Bikes geht’s auf der traditionellen Motorradbahn natürlich auch an einem Vierrad-Wochenende nicht: Moto2-Demorunden füllen die Pausen zwischen den Rennen.

Wann fährt BOSS GP?

Freitag, 19. Juli 2019:
11:40–12:10 Freies Training 1 (30 Minuten)
14:45–15:10 Freies Training 2 (25 Minuten)

Samstag, 20. Juli 2019:
10:50–11:20 Qualifying (Q1: 8 Minuten/Pause: 2 Minuten/Q2: 20 Minuten)
11:35–12:20 Pitwalk
12:00–12:20 Autogrammstunde alle Fahrer BOSS GP (Showbühne im Fahrerlager)
17:10–17:30 Rennen 1 (20 Minuten)
19:00 Live-Konzert DJ Fedde Le Grand (Showbühne im Fahrerlager)

Sonntag, 21. Juli 2019:
09:45–09:55 Warm-up (10 Minuten)
10:55–11:35 Pitwalk
11:50–12:10 Rennen 2 (20 Minuten)

Wo finde ich die Autos der BOSS GP?

Ein Teil der BOSS GP ist in den Boxen untergebracht, die weiteren Teams in großen Zelten hinter der Boxengasse. Fans können die BOSS GP-Teams bei ihrer Arbeit hautnah beobachten, denn der Eintritt ins Fahrerlager ist in allen Ticket-Varianten inklusive. Zudem wird zweimal am Wochenende die Boxengasse für die Fans zum Pitwalk geöffnet. Näher dran an die Formel 1 kommen Motorsport-Fans sonst nirgends.

Wie bekomme ich Tickets für die DTM und BOSS GP in Assen?

Wochenendkarten gibt’s ab 49 Euro. Am besten online auf www.dtm.com/de/tickets/assen-2019 oder an der Tageskassa.

Wo kann ich die BOSS GP in Assen online verfolgen?

Livetiming und Detailergebnisse auf www.wige-livetiming.de/dtm.html
Trainings-, Qualifying- und Rennergebnisse auch auf bossgp.com
Topaktuell informiert über mit Instagram @bossgpofficial und Facebook @bossgpofficial
Aktuelle Bilder werden regelmäßig in unserer Galerie auf bossgp.com hochgeladen

Report: Qualifying Monza

Das schnellste BOSS GP-Zeittraining des Jahres im Rückblick.

Dritte Poleposition im dritten BOSS GP-Rennen 2019 für Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed). Im V10 Toro Rosso STR1 war Gerstl wiederholt der schnellste Pilot im Qualifying. Damit gibt er heute Nachmittag um 16:00 Uhr das Tempo beim Start zum ersten der zwei Rennen vor.

Phil Stratford (USA, Penn Elcom) darf sich wieder einmal neben ihm aufstellen. Im Benetton B197 konnte er sich im Vergleich zum Qualifying 2018 um zwei Sekunden verbessern – damit ist die Jagd im Königlichen Park auf Dauerkonkurrent Gerstl eröffnet.

Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) bestätigte die Leistungen vom Freitag: Mit 1:36.169 fuhr er die schnellste Rundenzeit aller Formel-2-Fahrer. Teamkollege und Cousin Sergio Ghiotto geht von Rang 5 aus als drittbester FORMULA-Fahrer ins Rennen.

Dazwischen klassierte sich Alessandro Bracalente (ITA, Speed Center), der sich als Einziger im turbulenten Qualifying 2 noch in die Top-5 schieben konnte. Später im Qualifying hatte der FORMULA-Tabellenführende einen Unfall. Ausgangs der zweiten Schikane drehte er sich innen in die Barrieren. Fürs Rennen dürften Fahrer und Auto aber wieder fit gemacht werden.

Die italienische Dominanz beim Heimrennen in der FORMULA-Klasse untermauern Armando Mangini (Startplatz 6), Salvatore de Plano (Startplatz 7) und Gianluca Ripoli (Startplatz 8). Erster Nicht-Italiener in der FORMULA-Kategorie ist Philippe Haezebrouck (FRA, Speed Center). Der Franzose schließt bei seinem ersten Einsatz im neuen Team an die Ergebnisse von Hockenheim und Spielberg an.

Als Zehnter startet Luca Martucci (ITA, MM International). Walter Steding qualifizierte sich trotz eines Drehers ins Kiesbett als guter Elfter. Christian Eicke (SUI, Speed Center) konnte nach dem Unfall im ersten Freien Training heute wieder dabei sein und dankte es seinem Team mit Rang 12. Thomas Jakoubek (AUT, Top Speed) startet von 13, OPEN-Fahrer „Piter“ (FRA, Ray-Ban) im einzigen World-Series-Auto von 14.

Das Qualifying auslassen musste Pechvogel Andreas Fiedler (DEU, Fiedler Racing), dessen Heckflügel gestern kaputtging. Er hofft, noch einen Ersatz bis zum Rennen aufzutreiben.

Um 16 Uhr startet heute Samstag Rennen 1 – bei bestem Wetter und freiem Eintritt.

Report: Qualifying Monza

The fastest BOSS GP qualifying of the year in review.

Third pole position in the third BOSS GP event 2019 for Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed). In the V10 Toro Rosso STR1 Gerstl was again the fastest pilot in qualifying. This means he sets the pace for the start of the first of two races at 4 p.m. this afternoon.

Phil Stratford (USA, Penn Elcom) will line up next to him once again. In the Benetton B197 he was able to improve by two seconds compared to qualifying 2018 – this opens the chase for permanent rival Gerstl.

Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) confirmed his performance of Friday: With 1:36.169 he drove the fastest lap time of all Formula 2 drivers. Teammate and cousin Sergio Ghiotto starts the race from 5th place as third best FORMULA driver.

In between will be Alessandro Bracalente (ITA, Speed Center), who was the only one in the turbulent Qualifying 2 to make it into the top 5. Later in qualifying the FORMULA leader had an accident. At the end of the second chicane he spun to the inside and into the barriers. For the race driver and car should be made ready again.

The Italian dominance at their home race in the FORMULA class is underlined by Armando Mangini (grid position 6), Salvatore de Plano (grid position 7) and Gianluca Ripoli (grid position 8). First non-Italian in the FORMULA category is Philippe Haezebrouck (FRA, Speed Center). The Frenchman continues the good pace of Hockenheim and Spielberg in his first race with the new team.

Luca Martucci (ITA, MM International) starts in tenth. Walter Steding qualified as eleventh despite a spin into the gravel bed. Christian Eicke (SUI, Speed Center) was able to participate today after his accident in the first free practice and thanked his team with rank 12. Thomas Jakoubek (AUT, Top Speed) will start from 13, OPEN driver “Piter” (FRA, Ray-Ban) in the only World Series car from 14.

Andreas Fiedler (DEU, Fiedler Racing) had to miss qualifying, because his rear wing broke yesterday. He hopes to find a spare wing before today’s first race, otherwise he must skip another race.

Race 1 starts today at 4 p.m. – with best weather and free entry.

Preview + guide Monza

Marco Ghiotto, winner in Monza 2018

It’s gonna be hot: The Formula 1, Formula 2 and World Series cars of the BOSS GP will be on Italy’s “fastest motorway” from 14 to 16 June in perfect weather and for free.

Races 5 and 6 of the 2019 BOSS GP season will take place next weekend at the Monza Eni Circuit. The traditional race track is 5.8 kilometres long and not far from the city of Milan. With an average speed of around 240 km/h, it is the fastest track in the BOSS GP racing calendar.

17 drivers are registered for the first of two Italian races of the BOSS GP this year. For seven of them it is a home race: the Italian team MM International comes with Marco Martucci, Gianluca Ripoli and team owner Armando Mangini. The runner-up of the FORMULA, Marco Ghiotto, in the former Charles Leclerc F2 car and cousin Sergio Ghiotto are competing for the Scuderia Palladio. Two more Italians are driving for non-Italian teams: Salvatore de Plano for Top Speed and FORMULA leader Alessandro Bracalente for Speed Center. They all drive cars from different Formula 2 generations.

What does the Competizione BOSS GP offer?
In addition to the Big Open Single Seater, ten other racing series are part of this exciting event organized by Gruppo Peroni. These include the prototype class of the Sports Car Challenge, the GT3 of the P9 Challenge, the Renault Clio Cup Italia one-make cup and some historic racing series such as the Alfa Revival Cup.

On that weekend, a road safety course for children will also be inaugurated on the racetrack grounds. The use is free of charge for visitors on the opening weekend.

According to weather forecasts, it will get hot: up to 33 degrees Celsius, precipitation is not to be expected.

BOSS GP schedule:
Friday, June 14, 2019
09:55–10:25: Free Practice 1
15:20–15:50: Free Practice 2

Saturday, June 15, 2019
10:45–11:15: Qualifying
16:00–16:20: Race 1 (20 min)

Sunday, June 16, 2019
10:35–10:45: Warm-up
14:35–15:00: Race 2 (25 min)

Where can I find the BOSS GP cars, teams and drivers?
The BOSS GP teams are located in the pit lane exit area. These are the garages with the numbers 46 to 60. The BOSS GP catering from Sabel Racing and the Hollerweger Pirelli tyre service are located right behind them in the paddock. Fans can watch the teams and racers from the front row at work.

How do I get tickets for the Competizione BOSS GP?
Admission is free on each of the three days, access tickets are not required. Seating is free on all open grandstands and access to the paddock is not restricted. Only parking costs extra.

Where can I follow the Competizione BOSS GP online?
Livetiming on http://monza.alkamelsystems.com
All results on bossgp.com
Up to date with Instagram @bossgpofficial and Facebook @bossgpofficial
The latest pictures from race weekend in our gallery bossgp.com

Report: Free Practice Hockenheim

Alessandro Bracalente, Speed Center Dallara GP2 skipping through the rain

Two half-hour practice sessions were held on day 1 at the Jim Clark Revival in Hockenheim.

Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed) sets the best time in the Toro Rosso STR1 on Friday. With conditions getting better and better, the multiple champion used the favor of the minute and little traffic and drove with 1:33.647 the best time of the day. Not only once he did push the noise level to the extreme with his V10-Cosworth.

It was debutant Alessandro Bracalente (ITA, Speed Center) who made a good impression. In the first, rainy practice session Bracalente set the best time, in the second he ranked second behind Gerstl. This makes the young Italian one of the top favourites for pole position in the FORMULA class in tomorrow’s qualifying (10:10 a.m. local time).

Phil Stratford had to switch to the unfamiliar GP2 car

Marco and Sergio Ghiotto (both ITA, Scuderia Palladio) also presented themselves strongly. The brothers were in the top ranks in both half hour trainings. With Luca Martucci (ITA, MM International) another Italian put himself in a good position for qualifying. His experienced team mate Armando Mangini (ITA, MM International) drove the fourth fastest time in FP2.

Salvadore de Plano (ITA) drives for team Top Speed this year. De Plano missed out the first practice session, in the second session the fast Italian finished eighth. Phil Stratford (USA, Penn Elcom Racing) was ninth overall in training 2. Due to problems with the Judd engine in his Benetton, Startford drives a GP2 Dallara with a Formula 1 Judd engine on board. Ulf Ehninger instead drives the legendary Benetton Formula 1 from 1997: Ehninger (DEU, ESBA-Racing) makes his BOSS GP debut this weekend. In second practice he had an accident at the exit of the first corner. The front and rear wings of the light blue Formula 1 were damaged during the impact into the barrier on the inside; the driver escaped with no injuries.

Philippe Haezebrouck (FRA, Inter Europol) was off the track several times, but was quite satisfied with his times at the comeback in the BOSS GP. Walter Steding (DEU, Inter Europol), Thomas Jakoubek (AUT, Top Speed), Christian Eicke (SUI, Speed Center) and “Piter” (FRA, Ray-Ban) did plenty of laps. These pilots are expected to make a significant improvement tomorrow.

Rain makes life of drivers difficult

The first training was characterized by rain and some interruptions, among others Andreas Fiedler (DEU, Fiedler Racing) slipped into the gravel bed. But all spins went off without major damage. Despite the difficult conditions many drivers tried to gain kilometres on the Pirelli Cinturato rain tyres. For tomorrow a slight weather improvement is announced, but for Sunday heavy rain is expected.

Gerd Thöny’s yellow Jordan will remain in the pits this time, delays in the getting a race licence will make it impossible for Thöny to start in Hockenheim. This means that 14 cars in the FORMULA class and 3 OPEN cars are on the grid tomorrow.