Registration for “Gamma Racing Days” in Assen ends tonight
The fifth station of the BOSS GP championship 2017 will be the “Gamma Racing Days” in Assen (NED) on 5th and 6th of August 2017. Registration deadline for teams ends …
The fifth station of the BOSS GP championship 2017 will be the “Gamma Racing Days” in Assen (NED) on 5th and 6th of August 2017. Registration deadline for teams ends …
Was für ein verrücktes Rennen. Nur vier der insgesamt sieben FORMULA Class Autos überquerten am Ende die Ziellinie auf der Strecke in “Zolder” beim “Zolder Superprix”. Henk de Boer (NED, …
What a crazy race again. Just four out of seven cars of the FORMULA class made it to the finish line on the track of Zolder at the “Zolder Superprix”. …
Was für ein verrücktes Rennen. Wie schon am Sonnabend konnte nur ein Fahrer das Rennen in der OPEN Class auf der Strecke in Zolder beenden. Für den Sieger Phil Stratford bedeutete …
What a crazy race again. As on Saturday finally there was just one driver at the OPEN class finishing the race on the track of Zolder. But – luckily – for …
Full of action was the first race of the weekend at the “Zolder Superprix” in Belgium. The two leading drivers of the FORMULA class showed a thrilling battle for the top …
Einiges an Action bot das erste Rennen an diesem Wochenende beim „Zolder Superprix“ in Belgien. So boten sich die beiden Führenden der FORMULA Class ein packendes Duell um die Podiumsspitze. …
Full of action was the first race of the weekend at the “Zolder Superprix” in Belgium. Both drivers of the OPEN class struggled on the track. Despite struggling with technical …
Einiges an Action bot das erste Rennen an diesem Wochenende beim “Zolder Superprix” in Belgien. Beide Fahrer der OPEN Class hatten so ihre Probleme auf der Strecke. Obgleich sowohl Klaas …
Sunny weather after a rainy practice day on Friday made best conditions for the BOSS GP Qualifying at the “Zolder Superprix”on Saturday morning. All seven cars went on track at 10:20 …