Tag: Hockenheim

BOSS GP sets first season record 2017 already before Kick Off

BOSS GP in Assen 2016.

Great news for the BOSS GP Championship season 2017: Counting 36 registrations for the season, which starts on 22nd/23rd of April at Hockenheim in Germany, as many drivers and teams as never before registered for the fastest race series in Europe.

“This is great news”, says Christian Gaense, Race-Coordinator of BOSS GP. “The registration record shows the confidence of drivers and teams in BOSS GP, the race organization as well as the changes for the 2017 season like the cooperation with our new tyre supplier Pirelli. After a new record of participants in 2016, topping the number of drivers again this year will strengthen and expand the championship once more.”

Currently running and still open until the 12nd of April is the registration for the first race of the season at the “Hockenheim Historic”. With 36 drivers registered in general for the 2017 season until beginning of April, who actually wont show up each of them at each race due to different reasons, Gaense is yet looking forward to a “top-class field at each of the races of the BOSS GP championship 2017, qualitatively as well as quantitatively. For the Hockenheim season opener we can expect a grid of ~20 cars”.

Find all informations about the Kick Off race of BOSS GP and ticket-purchase at “Hockenheim Historic” on this website: www.hockenheim-historic.de.

Pre-Sale for BOSS GP 2017 kick off race in Hockenheim is running

Hockenheim Historic 2016.

Seven stations all over Europe will be hosting the BOSS GP 2017 race series. The season will be launched with the first event at the “Bosch Hockenheim Historic 2017” from 21st until 23rd of April. BOSS GP will be one of the highlights of a great line-up, which will impress and fascinate fans, spectators and drivers at the same time.

Ten different race series on the famous Hockenheim circuit, led by the BOSS GP series, will provide a unique show for spectators and motorsport fans, especially for fans and enthusiasts of historic racing cars. Attractive side events as well as possibilities of access to the pit garage make the “Bosch Hockenheim Historic 2017” a must-visit-event for each motorsport-enthusiast.

Pre-sale for the “Bosch Hockenheim Historic 2017” has already started. For more information and details please visit: www.hockenheim-historic.de/en. The official online pre-sale is available through this link: www.eventimsports.de/ols/hockenheimring.

Get an impression of last years BOSS GP races at the “Hockenheim Historic” series at our gallery here: bossgp.com/gallery/hockenheim-historic-2016.