Categoria: Generale

Variante di pneumatico aggiuntiva da Assen

A partire dalla prossima gara di Assen (2–4 agosto 2024), BOSS GP e il fornitore di pneumatici Pirelli offriranno nuovamente uno pneumatico medio da asciutto in aggiunta alla mescola morbida.

Oltre alla mescola morbida precedentemente prescritta (riconoscibile dal colore rosso), BOSS GP offrirà nuovamente a team e piloti la mescola “medium” (gialla) con effetto immediato.

Questa scelta di pneumatici da asciutto P-Zero amplia le opzioni strategiche dei team per i restanti weekend di gara della stagione 2024 ad Assen, Mugello e Misano. I pneumatici medi dovrebbero avere prestazioni migliori, soprattutto alle alte temperature, e una maggiore durata grazie alla loro mescola di gomma più dura.

Tutti i piloti iscritti alle gare riceveranno a breve un nuovo modulo d’ordine e potranno effettuare gli ordini presso il servizio pneumatici BOSS GP Reifen Hollerweger con effetto immediato.

Foto: Angelo Poletto/BOSS GP

Review: Nürburgring 2024

Three weeks after the season opener in Hockenheim, the BOSS GP Racing Series resumed its season at the Nürburgring. Among other things, there was a thrilling duel for FORMULA victory and Pizzonia’s record-breaking drive.

The return to the legendary circuit in the Eifel offered drivers and fans plenty of excitement and thrilling motorsport. This time, the Grand Prix circuit with the smoother motorbike version in the Veedol-S was used. Rock concerts, a huge firework’s display on Saturday evening and an illuminated Ferris wheel in the paddock attracted thousands of visitors to the Nürburgring Classics just one week before the 24-hour race. At the Grid Walk before the BOSS GP races, many fans were able to get up close to the cars.

F1 and OPEN

F1 driver Ulf Ehninger (GER, ESBA-Racing) and OPEN driver Antonio Pizzonia (BRA, HS Engineering) scored maximum points for the championship twice. Ehninger enriched the event with his Benetton B197, which had already competed here at the Grand Prix of Luxembourg in 1997. ESBA-Racing also put Alexander Wurz’s 1998 Benetton on display.

Benetton’s 1998 (le.) and 1997 (ri.) F1 cars

Pizzonia caused a sensation with an outstanding qualifying lap in the World Series 4.5: With a time of 1:38.135 min, the ex-Formula 1 driver set a new lap record for non-Formula 1 cars, once again living up to the reputation of Europe’s fastest racing series.

Antonio Pizzonia on the way to his record lap


The FORMULA category, which this time featured exclusively GP2 cars, was hotly contested. Reigning champion Simone Colombo (ITA, MM International) won both races, but was under a lot of pressure, especially in the second race. Japanese driver Juju Noda (MM International) tried to pass her team-mate several times. The two top drivers showed each other no mercy and were side by side several times, especially in the first corner. However, Noda overshot the braking point on another overtaking attempt and subsequently spun.

The fact that she was able to compete at all is thanks to the spirit of solidarity within the BOSS GP family. After an engine failure on Friday, the neighbouring team Scuderia Palladio provided a spare car shortly before qualifying. She thanked them with third place in the first race.

Marco Ghiotto from team Scuderia Palladio (li.) helped out Juju Noda (re.)

Meanwhile, everything is going according to plan for Simone Colombo. After three wins in a row, he is leading the overall standings by nine points from Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio), who also had a successful weekend with second and third place. Michael Fischer made a strong debut with 4th place in the first race. In the second race, the Austrian with monoposto and GT experience was able to improve once again and celebrated second place behind Colombo. The best German in the races turned out to be Alexander Seibold (Seibold auto + sport) in both races.

Great racing in the SUPER LIGHTS category


Stefan Scho (GER, Scho) celebrated a perfect debut. In his first appearance in the BOSS GP Racing Series, the experienced German in the Lola Formula 3000 was able to prevail against the increasingly strong competition in terms of quantity and quality in the SUPER LIGHTS and clinch victory twice. Swiss driver Stephan Glaser (Jo Zeller Racing) in the World Series car, who scored good points again with second place in the first race, retains the lead in the standings. Henry Clausnitzer (GER, WF Racing) also remains consistent, finishing third twice. Stefan Eisinger-Sewald (AUT, Red Rose Racing) also finished on the podium in his Formula 3000. Once again, it became evident how diverse this still young class is this year.

The next two races in the BOSS GP Racing Series will take place at the Red Bull Ring Classics from 7 to 9 June 2024.

Photos: Angelo Poletto/BOSS GP

Local heroes: Henry Clausnitzer

Henry Clausnitzer (36) from Brandenburg in Germany won the championship title in the SUPER LIGHTS class in 2023. We take a look at his career path leading up to the BOSS GP Racing Series.

How did your motorsport career start?

HENRY CLAUSNITZER: “I actually had a typical motorsport career: I started out in karting and raced in the East German Karting Championship at the age of eight. I stayed in karting between 1996 and 2003 and eventually became the East German runner-up. In 2003, at the age of 15, I became the youngest participant in the Austrian Formula Ford. Between 2003 and 2007 I raced in the Formula Ford Zetec, became the Austrian champion in 2007 and drove at the Formula Ford Festival in Brands Hatch. In between, I also started in the Swiss Formula Lista in 2006.

A direct switch to Formula Renault 2000 or Formula 3 was not within the realms of possibility, although there were offers. I then endeavoured to get into the ADAC motorsport promotion, which was a lot easier via the touring car. So I enrolled in the Dacia Logan Cup in 2008 as preparation for the VW Polo Cup. In 2009, after a successful VW inspection, the opportunity arose to compete in the VW Polo Cup as part of the DTM. However, due to difficult economic times, my then main sponsor was affected. I was already 22 at the time, which meant that the sponsorship of young drivers came to an end. I was therefore forced to take a break from motorsport from 2009. In addition, my priority at that time was my studies.”

Clausnitzer drives a Formula Renault V6

What fascinates you about formula racing?

CLAUSNITZER: “After karting, formula racing was the goal, pure racing with a machine designed exclusively for motorsport. That fascinated me. When I was young, I used to watch the World Series by Renault and Nissan at the Lausitzring with my dad. The noises, the sound under the grandstand – that was an absolute dream, however it seemed unattainable back then.

I have always been particularly attached to Formula Ford. During a holiday in England, we also made a stop at Brands Hatch. There happened to be a Formula Ford racing there and I was immediately hooked again.

A short time later, we reactivated the Formula Ford and I’ve been back in a racing car since 2020. In 2022, I was runner-up in the German-Dutch Formula Ford series and won races again. I also took part in some races in the French championship and had a few podiums.”

How did the idea of eventually competing in the BOSS GP Racing Series come about?

CLAUSNITZER: ” I have always followed the BOSS GP and the idea to move to a higher formula class came to me again in 2022 . It was at a race in Brno that inspired me to find out whether and how I could turn this dream into reality. In the winter of 2022, I sat down with my team and we took the plunge. We said to ourselves: it’s now or never, let’s go on an adventure!”

What were your first impressions?

CLAUSNITZER: “The first weekend in Le Castellet was simply overwhelming. The size of the track alone, the long straights – I really got to know the car here. For me, driving with 260 hp more meant quite a difference in performance . Also, the difference in braking with the left-hand brake again and paddle shift – of course, this has all been around for a long time in today’s motorsport world, but when you come from the now historic motorsport sector, it’s quite a difference. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire WF Racing team. Without the tireless efforts of everyone involved, this would not have been possible. It was all new territory for me with this formula racing car. My team was fully engaged, gave their all and in the end we won the title in 2023.”

What has made the biggest impression on you in your races in the BOSS GP so far?

CLAUSNITZER: “The events with all the spectators, the grid walks and meeting motorsport legends like Jean Alesi or René Arnoux and shaking their hands – I had to pinch myself to see if it was real. I also had a great duel with Stefan Eisinger-Sewald at the Red Bull Ring 2023. We had a real game of cat and mouse for four laps. It was a close battle, wheel-to-wheel in almost every corner – that’s racing, that’s fun!”

Will you stay in the BOSS GP in the future?

CLAUSNITZER: “Of course we’ll be racing in the BOSS GP again in 2024, we’ll be competing in the SUPER LIGHTS category again and our aim is to build on last year’s successes. I’m also always looking at the other categories within the BOSS GP, which could also appeal to me, but I have to remain realistic for now. It’s also always a question of money, which determines what and how much you can race. That’s why I’m looking forward to my second season and any sponsor support I can get.”

Anyone who wants to experience Henry and seven other Germans live can do so from 24 to 26 June 2024 at the Nürburgring Classic at the Nürburgring.

Photos: Angelo Poletto/BOSS GP

BOSS GP continues partnership with Pirelli

Pirelli will remain the exclusive tyre supplier of the BOSS GP in 2024.

The Italian tyre manufacturer offers a unique product for the participants of the BOSS GP: Formula 1 technology combined with easier handling when warming up the tyres. Together with the Hollerweger tyre service, this partnership guarantees a reliable supply of the “black gold” throughout the season.

Photo: Angelo Poletto/BOSS GP

30 anni pieni di rombo

La Boss GP Racing Series rimarrà inarrestabile anche nel 2024: 30 anni dopo la fondazione sono in programma 12 gare in tutta l’Europa.

Sia Formula 1, Formula 2, F3000, World Series, l’Indy Car proveniente dagli USA o Formula Nippon dal Giappone – Boss GP rimane la Piattaforma ideale per le migliori auto da corsa delle ultime tre decadi. Per oramai 30 anni la BOSS GP Racing Series, serie certificata dalla FIA, offre un’esperienza unica sia ai piloti che agli appassionati: I monoposto formano l’apice della piramide del motor sport.  Separati in quattro classi, Ladies, Gentleman e Youngsters lottano per coppe e punti per il campionato senza però dimenticare l’immenso valore emotivo e finanziario di queste auto.

Priorità ai Fans

Nella BOSS GP F1 Class si possono ammirare macchine di Formula 1 dal 1996 in poi e il loro rombo spettacolare. Dipendente dal numero degli iscritti, partono in partenza lanciata prima delle altre categorie. Nella classe OPEN sono ammesse le Indy Car o macchine come la RODIN FZED o la Lotus T125.

Nella classe FORMULA ci sono le Formula 2, World Series, A1 GP ecc. mentre la SUPER LIGHTS è riservata alle auto con motori a sei cilindri come per esempio le F3000. Tutte insieme danno spettacolo in pista con velocità e rombo potente, una combinazione senza paragoni nell’universo del motor sport. Questo aspetto unico trova espressione anche nel numero di spettatori con 200 000 appassionati presenti durante gli eventi della BOSS GP Racing Serie nella scorsa stagione. Grazie a prezzi economici per i biglietti, il paddock aperto, sessioni di autografi e iniziative come il Grid Walk, gli eventi della BOSS GP Racing Series stanno entusiasmando tutta la famiglia, dai giovani ai vecchi.  

Informazioni importanti per team e piloti

Non c’è niente iscrizione per la stagione 2024 sia per team sia per piloti. L’iscrizione è molto facile: Una domanda d’iscrizione deve essere presentata al più tardi entro tre settimane prima del relativo evento. Il modulo è scaricabile su dove trovate anche il regolamento.

Foto: Angelo Poletto/BOSS GP

Rivelato il calendario delle gare 2024

A Capodanno, la BOSS GP Racing Series ha pubblicato le date per la stagione del suo anniversario.

Nel 30° anno della serie di gare più veloce e, per molti, più emozionante d’Europa, i team e i piloti della BOSS GP Racing Series saranno di nuovo in tour in Europa. Gli organizzatori sono riusciti a combinare tracciati familiari ed eventi nuovi. Ancora una volta sono stati selezionati solo circuiti con i più alti standard di sicurezza. Questo garantisce che l’infrastruttura offra solo le migliori condizioni e che i piloti gareggino sugli stessi tracciati dove di solito sono in azione la Formula 1 e la MotoGP. Senza dimenticare l’atmosfera indimenticabile di eventi come il Jim Clark Revival di Hockenheim o il Jack’s Racing Day nei Paesi Bassi.


La stagione 2024 prenderà nuovamente il via all’Hockenheimring (3-5 maggio), dove decine di migliaia di spettatori attenderanno ancora una volta le auto e i loro piloti nel Motodrom gremito. Tre settimane dopo l’ADAC Hockenheim Historic, il tanto atteso ritorno avrà luogo al Nürburgring (24-26 maggio). La Nürburgring Classic sul leggendario circuito dell’Eifel sarà uno dei momenti salienti della stagione.

Successivamente, scenderemo in pista per la gara di casa della serie a Spielberg (7-9 giugno), dove la BOSS GP Racing Series farà la sua seconda apparizione come evento clou delle Red Bull Ring Classics. Seguirà un’altra apparizione ad Assen (2-4 agosto), dove il leggendario TT Circuit sarà ancora una volta pieno di gente che potrà ascoltare il suono unico della nostra formazione al Jack’s Racing Day (ingresso gratuito!).

Il finale sarà ancora una volta un doppio appuntamento in Italia in autunno. Il primo è uno dei circuiti preferiti da molti piloti, l’Autodromo del Mugello (11-13 ottobre) in Toscana. Seguirà, tre settimane dopo, la “Grande Finale” al Misano World Circuit (1-3 novembre), un circuito che negli ultimi anni ha regalato gare entusiasmanti ed è stato molto apprezzato da team e piloti. A causa della classificazione del tracciato, in occasione della finale non scenderanno in pista vetture di Formula 1.


Tuttavia, dopo il successo dell’evento di prova a Brno nel 2023, queste auto avranno l’opportunità di competere in un nuovo formato di gara spettacolo chiamato “F1 Car Legends” nel 2024. Le due date del Grand Prix de France Historique a Le Castellet (19-21 aprile) e del Jack’s Racing Day ad Assen dal 2 al 4 agosto sono già state confermate. Ulteriori dettagli su questa offerta per i proprietari di auto di Formula 1 saranno disponibili a breve sul sito


Come in passato, ci saranno due gare per ogni weekend di gara, oltre alle sessioni di prove e qualifiche. Alla fine dell’anno sarà incoronato campione chi avrà raccolto il maggior numero di punti nella propria classe. L’anno scorso è stato così per Ingo Gerstl (Classe BOSS GP F1), Antonio Pizzonia (OPEN), Simone Colombo (FORMULA) e Henry Clausnitzer (SUPER LIGHTS).

Il regolamento per la stagione 2024 e i moduli di iscrizione saranno pubblicati a breve su I documenti dell’anno precedente sono disponibili come riferimento per i partecipanti interessati:

Foto: WF Racing

Stagione 2023 e Champions Night

BOSS GP 2023: 5 paesi – 7 eventi – 14 gare – 4 classi – 20 squadre – 40 piloti – 11 nazioni.

Sabato 25 novembre 2023 si è svolta la Champions Night della BOSS GP Racing Series di quest’anno. I partecipanti alla serie di corse più veloci d’Europa si sono incontrati nella meravigliosa atmosfera del ristorante M23 sul Mönchsberg, con una splendida vista sulla città di Salisburgo. Nel 29esimo anno della serie BOSS, le gare si sono svolte nell’arco di sette fine settimana in cinque paesi europei. Venti squadre partecipanti hanno schierato le loro vetture in quattro classi e hanno inviato agli eventi un totale di 40 piloti provenienti da 11 nazioni.

Nella BOSS GP F1 Class, la classe delle vetture di razza pura di Formula 1, l’austriaco Ingo Gerstl ha vinto ancora con la sua Toro Rosso STR1 Cosworth del Team Top-Speed. Si tratta dell’ottavo successo assoluto del nativo di Salisburgo, che lo rende l’unico vincitore del record nell’elenco dei successi della serie BOSS GP. L’artista e scultore di fama mondiale Jos Pirkner, ospite d’onore della serata a Mönchsberg e autore del leggendario design della vettura da corsa Toro Rosso di Formula 1, ha consegnato a Ingo Gerstl il trofeo per la vittoria assoluta del BOSS GP. Il tedesco Ulf Ehninger è arrivato secondo nella classe Formula 1 con la sua Benetton B197-F1 dell’ESBA-Racing davanti al francese Didier Sirgue dell’LRS Racing con la Jaguar R2-F1.

La classe BOSS GP OPEN è stata vinta dal brasiliano Antonio Pizzonia. L’ex pilota Williams e Jaguar di Formula 1 ha avuto successo a bordo della Dallara World Series V8-T12 del team austriaco HS Engineering supportato da ZELE Racing. Ciò significa che il simpatico brasiliano non solo è stato sempre in scia alla Toro Rosso di Ingo Gerstl, ma è anche salito sul gradino più alto del podio 13 volte nelle 14 gare della Open Class. Il secondo posto è andato al sempre allegro irlandese Paul O’Connell, la cui Dallara NME World Series è stata disputata anche da HS Engineering / ZELE Racing.

La classe BOSS GP FORMULA è stata la più popolata in termini di numeri e le vetture Dallara-Mecachrome 4.0 V8 GP2 hanno dominato ancora una volta. Nella classifica a punti della Classe FORMULA figurano complessivamente 29 piloti, di cui i primi tre posti vanno all’Italia. Particolarmente degno di nota è stato il duello al vertice, durato un anno, tra il futuro vincitore Simone Colombo della MM International e Marco Ghiotto della Scuderia Palladio / Team Nardi Compressori. Gli scontri tra questi due piloti sono stati duri, ma sempre molto onesti. Più volte solo pochi centimetri separavano i due al traguardo. Cecco Malavasi, anche lui della Scuderia Palladio, ha conquistato il terzo posto assoluto nella classe FORMULA davanti al miglior pilota tedesco, Andreas Fiedler del Fiedler Racing / Team Leonhart, che ha mancato il podio nella classifica generale per un solo punto. Molto forte in questa classe FORMULA è stato anche Marc Faggionato di Monaco su una vettura del team italiano MM International. Ha anche ottenuto una vittoria di classe al Paul Ricard all’inizio della stagione per poi salire sul podio più volte durante l’anno. Da segnalare anche l’austriaco Roland Rupprechter, che, come nuovo arrivato nella serie BOSS GP, appare nono su 29 piloti nella classifica a punti della FORMULA Class.

La vittoria nella classe BOSS GP SUPER LIGHTS va al tedesco Henry Clausnitzer del WF Racing su una Tatuus World Series V6. L’austriaco Stefan Eisinger-Sewald del Red Rose Racing, che ha sempre guidato con il massimo impegno, è arrivato secondo nella classe delle auto da corsa di cilindrata inferiore con la sua bellissima Ralt RT23-F3000. L’italiano Walter Colacino / W. Colacino Racing si è classificato terzo nella SUPER LIGHTS su una Lola T96/50-F3000.

Il prossimo anno 2024, la serie BOSS celebrerà 30 anni dalla sua fondazione da parte di Roger Cowman e dei suoi amici in Gran Bretagna. Ci sono sei fine settimana di gare nel calendario per la stagione dell’anniversario 2024, più due date in cui si svolgeranno gli spettacoli di F1.

Risultati completi 2023 BOSS GP Racing Series – tutte le classi

Fotos: Angelo Poletto/BOSS GP

Report: Race 2 Mugello

The last winner’s trophies of the 2023 season go to Antonio Pizzonia, Simone Colombo and Walter Colacino.

In perfect weather, the drivers of the BOSS GP Racing Series were challenged once again on Sunday lunchtime: The longer 25-minute race had to be contested and at numerous positions drivers fought for a better result.

Not impressed by this, Antonio Pizzonia (BRA) took another overall victory today. The driver of the Austrian team HS Engineering also took first place in the final race of the OPEN class this season. With a time of 1:31.120 min, Pizzonia topped his best lap time from yesterday. This means that Pizzonia has now managed to set a new lap record in his World Series 4.5, as only Formula 1 cars have ever been faster on this track. The previous record holder was Harald Schlegelmilch (LVA), OPEN champion in 2022, also in this car.

Simone Colombo (ITA, MM International) was the one who left his mark on the 14th race of the season in the FORMULA class. After Pizzonia had lost ground due to degrading tyres, Colombo had even taken the lead for a moment. Behind him, Marc Faggionato (MCO, MM International) built up pressure in the early stages, with Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) hot on his heels. Sometimes on the edge of track limits, the top drivers in the FORMULA class gave each other nothing in the final race of the season. On lap 11 of 16, Ghiotto overtook the Faggionato in front of him. But the gap to Colombo had already grown to several seconds. So once again it was Colombo who was allowed to open the champagne first. Ghiotto took second place, Faggionato came third.

Salvatore de Plano (ITA, MM International) finished behind, Andreas Fiedler (GER, Fiedler Racing) was in fifth place. In a nice triell, the two Zig Zag drivers Jean-Christophe Peyre (FRA) and Nicolas Matile (MCO) as well as the Scuderia Palladio supported Bruno Jarach (ITA, Eesti Motorsport) met. For almost 15 laps the group were together, finally Jarach beat the two Auto GP cars to the chequered flag. In SUPER LIGHTS, Walter Colacino (ITA, Walter Colacino Racing) took home another victory.

After seven events in France, Germany, Austria, Italy and the Netherlands, the champions for the 2023 season are Ingo Gerstl (BOSS GP F1 Class), Antonio Pizzonia (OPEN), Simone Colombo (FORMULA) and Henry Clausnitzer (SUPER LIGHTS). They will be honoured at the end-of-year party at the end of November in the city of Salzburg.

Photo: Angelo Poletto/BOSS GP

Report: Race 1 Mugello

Simone Colombo continues his hot streak with his tenth win of the season. Colacino and Pizzonia win their classes.

After securing the championship title last time out in Monza, Simone Colombo (ITA, MM International) is not slowing down in the first Mugello race. The now two-time BOSS GP Champion managed to keep Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) at distance once again. The Italian battle in the FORMULA class continued in Mugello, although this time it was much less tense between the two GP2 drivers. By the way, Ghiotto finished in the top-3 for the tenth time this season.

In the battle for third place, Andreas Fiedler (GER, Fiedler Racing) had already built up a small lead over the drivers behind him before a safety car interruption reunited the pack. Fiedler defended hard but always fair against Marc Faggionato (MCO, MM International) before the Monegasque was able to overtake Fiedler in the third sector. A small driving mistake a little later also allowed Salvatore de Plano (ITA, MM International) to pass the German. Faggionato was annoyed despite third place, because not for the first time this year a bad start robbed the fast all-rounder of his chance to fight for victory.

Sixth place went to Nicolas Matile (MCO) of the French team Zig-Zag. Bruno Jarach (ITA, Eesti Motorsport) took 7th place ahead of Jean-Christophe Peyre (FRA, Zig-Zag), who crossed the finish line only just behind. Roland Rupprechter (AUT, Rupprechter Motorsport) was delighted with another finish.

Antonio Pizzonia (BRA, HS Engineering) was on the best way to overall victory, but on lap 5 the former Formula 1 driver stopped in turn 3 because the shifting of the World Series Dallara did not work correctly anymore. Walter Colacino (ITA, Walter Colacino Racing) took the full points in the SUPER LIGHTS classification and climbed onto the podium as well. The last chance to take a trophy this season is tomorrow, Sunday: the longer, 25-minute race starts at 11:00 a.m. CEST.

Photo: Angelo Poletto

Report: Qualifying Mugello

Antonio Pizzonia leading the way, exciting races expected in FORMULA and Walter Colacino best SUPER LIGHTS driver in Qualifying.

In the finest late summer weather, the 5.245-kilometre track at Mugello presented its most beautiful side to the BOSS GP drivers. In qualifying, which determines the starting grid for both races, Antonio Pizzonia (BRA, HS Engineering) set the fastest time in the OPEN classification for the seventh time this season. This time, the ex-Formula 1 driver from Williams and Jaguar will lead the full field to the start, as he did in Misano earlier this year.

In the FORMULA class, a three-way battle for the top spot is expected after practice and qualifying: Simone Colombo (ITA), Marc Faggionato (MCO, both MM International) and Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) were separated by just a few tenths of a second on their fastest lap – they will probably fight it out between themselves for victory.

Following them was another MM International driver, Salvatore de Plano (ITA) starts from third row. The two Auto GP cars from Zig-Zag will start from row 3 and 4: Nicolas Matile (MCO) was faster than team-mate Jean-Christophe Peyre (FRA). Best in the SUPER LIGHTS class this time around was Walter Colacino (ITA, Walter Colacino Racing) in his Formula 3000.

Roland Rupprechter (AUT, Rupprechter Motorsport) and Andreas Fiedler (GER, Fiedler Racing) both came to an early end to their practice sessions after a spin. However, both will be able to take part in the races. The start of the first race is today, Saturday, at 14:10 CEST, the second race starts tomorrow, Sunday, at 11:00 CEST.

Photo: Angelo Poletto/BOSS GP