Autore: Keke Platzer

Statement on the death of Charlie Whiting

The organisation, teams and drivers of the BOSS GP are mourning the loss of Formula 1 race director Charlie Whiting.

Charlie Whiting died yesterday in Melbourne at the age of 66. The Brit was part of Grand Prix racing for almost five decades. Whiting also knew the BOSS GP very well and was jointly responsible for making the series’ guest appearance at the 2018 German Grand Prix possible.

The BOSS GP family express their condolences and deep sympathy with his family.


Pre-season Testing in Brno

From 3 to 5 April, the teams and drivers of the BOSS GP will have the opportunity to test at the Automotodrom in Brno.

Three weeks before the start of the season in Hockenheim, tests will be held at the BOSS GP circuit in Brno, Czech Republic. From Wednesday to Friday you can drive a total of 24 hours.

The race will take place in half-hour units, from 9 am to 6 pm. From 13 to 14 o’clock only the lunch break interrupts the driving time. One unit costs 60 Euro incl. VAT. You can set up in the paddock on 2 April from 15 o’clock onwards. Pits are available for 150 Euro incl. VAT per day.

Vehicles from other categories and classes will also take part, a maximum of 40 cars are allowed on the track at the same time.

The test day is organised by Maverick Rescue and the Automotodrom Brno. Interested parties can register by e-mail at or by telephone at +420 777 679 389. Further information is available at


Photo: Michael Jurtin/BOSS GP

Vorsaison-Test in Brünn

Von 3. bis 5. April gibt es für die Teams und Fahrer der BOSS GP die Möglichkeit, am Automotodrom in Brünn zu testen.

Rund drei Wochen vor dem Saisonstart in Hockenheim werden auf der BOSS GP-Rennstrecke in Brünn, Tschechien, Testfahrten abgehalten. Von Mittwoch bis Freitag kann man insgesamt 24 Stunden fahren.

Gefahren wird in halbstündigen Einheiten, von 9 bis 18 Uhr. Von 13 bis 14 Uhr unterbricht nur die Mittagspause die Fahrzeit. Eine Einheit kostet 60 Euro inkl. Steuer. Aufgebaut werden kann im Fahrerlager am 2. April ab 15 Uhr . Boxen gibt es um 150 Euro inkl. Steuer pro Tag.

Teilnehmen werden auch Fahrzeuge aus anderen Kategorien und Klassen, maximal 40 Autos dürfen gleichzeitig auf die Bahn.

Organisiert wird der Testtag von Maverick Rescue und dem Automotodrom Brno. Anmelden können sich Interessenten per E-Mail an oder via Telefon unter +420 777 679 389. Weitere Infos stehen auf


Foto: Michael Jurtin/BOSS GP

Pre-season Testing in Brno

From 3 to 5 April, the teams and drivers of the BOSS GP will have the opportunity to test at the Automotodrom in Brno.

Three weeks before the start of the season in Hockenheim, tests will be held at the BOSS GP circuit in Brno, Czech Republic. From Wednesday to Friday you can drive a total of 24 hours.

The race will take place in half-hour units, from 9 am to 6 pm. From 13 to 14 o’clock only the lunch break interrupts the driving time. One unit costs 60 Euro incl. VAT. You can set up in the paddock on 2 April from 15 o’clock onwards. Pits are available for 150 Euro incl. VAT per day.

Vehicles from other categories and classes will also take part, a maximum of 40 cars are allowed on the track at the same time.

The test day is organised by Maverick Rescue and the Automotodrom Brno. Interested parties can register by e-mail at or by telephone at +420 777 679 389. Further information is available at


Photo: Michael Jurtin/BOSS GP

Test day in March

Team Speed Center organises a test day on 29 March 2019 in Navarre, Spain. Teams and drivers from the BOSS GP are very welcome.

The early test is an ideal opportunity for BOSS GP drivers and teams to prepare for the upcoming season. On Friday, March 29, 2019, drivers will be able to drive their race car for 1,500 Euros (net) all day on the track. The test day is hosted by the German BOSS GP team Speed Center. For more information on how to get there, hotels etc., interested parties can contact team principal Markus Lehmann by e-mail at

Navarre is a province in the north of Spain, on the border to France. The Circuito de Navarra is in the city of Los Arcos and is almost four kilometres long. The FIA classifies the circuit as Grade 2, as does, for example, the BOSS GP circuit in Brno. For those who don’t know the Circuito de Navarra, the following onboard video of a Formula 3 car will give you a first look:

Test day in March

Team Speed Center organises a test day on 29 March 2019 in Navarre, Spain. Teams and drivers from the BOSS GP are very welcome.

The early test is an ideal opportunity for BOSS GP drivers and teams to prepare for the upcoming season. On Friday, March 29, 2019, drivers will be able to drive their race car for 1,500 Euros (net) all day on the track. The test day is hosted by the German BOSS GP team Speed Center. For more information on how to get there, hotels etc., interested parties can contact team principal Markus Lehmann by e-mail at

Navarre is a province in the north of Spain, on the border to France. The Circuito de Navarra is in the city of Los Arcos and is almost four kilometres long. The FIA classifies the circuit as Grade 2, as does, for example, the BOSS GP circuit in Brno. For those who don’t know the Circuito de Navarra, the following onboard video of a Formula 3 car will give you a first look:

Testtag im März

Das Team Speed Center organisiert am 29. März 2019 einen Testtag in Navarra, Spanien. Teams und Fahrer aus der BOSS GP sind willkommen.

Der Frühjahrstest ist eine ideale Gelegenheit für Fahrer und Teams der BOSS GP, sich auf die kommende Saison vorzubereiten. Am Freitag, dem 29. März 2019, können Fahrer mit ihrem Rennauto um 1.500 Euro (netto) Teilnahmegebühr den ganzen Tag auf der Rennstrecke fahren. Organisiert wird der Testtag vom deutschen BOSS GP-Team Speed Center. Mehr Informationen zu Anreise, Hotels etc. können Interessierte unter deren E-Mail-Anschrift erfragen.

Navarra ist eine Provinz im Norden Spaniens, an der Grenze zu Frankreich. Der Circuito de Navarra liegt in der Stadt Los Arcos und ist knapp vier Kilometer lang. Die FIA stuft die Strecke mit Grade 2 ein, so wie z.B. auch die BOSS GP-Rennstrecke in Brünn. All jene, die den Circuito de Navarra nicht kennen, können sich im folgenden Onboard-Video von einem Formel 3 einen Überblick verschaffen:

New regulations for 2019

Only 86 days left until the first race of the BOSS GP 2019. Here are the first details about the anniversary season of Europe’s fastest racing series.

Interested drivers and teams can now find the preliminary version of the sporting and technical regulations for the 2019 season on or directly here for download. The most important changes have been marked yellow in the PDF document.

The biggest change concerns the classification of the classes:
If enough entries are submitted, a separate ranking for the otherwise less competitive 6-cylinder vehicles will be offered in 2019. The name of the new class is BOSS GP Prestige. Cars from the World Series by Renault V6, the World Series by Nissan and Formula 3000 cars built from 2002 onwards are permitted.

This has an effect on the start numbers: The Open class for Formula 1 cars, IndyCars and cars with similar performance gets the starting numbers 1 to 9, the Formula class for Formula 2 and similar cars the numbers 20 to 99, the Prestige class 100 to 990.

Drivers and teams can already submit their entries for the entire season. For all those who register before the end of February, there is a discount on the entry fee. The document can also be found at or downloaded here. The closing date for entries is March, the 29th 2019.

In 2019 the Big Open Single Seaters (BOSS) will have their 25th season. Six attractive events with 12 races on the most beautiful racetracks in Europe are on the schedule:

2019: Neues Reglement

86 Tage sind es noch bis zum ersten Rennen der BOSS GP 2019. Hier die ersten Informationen zur Jubiläumssaison von Europas schnellster Rennserie.

Interessierte Fahrer und Teams finden das ab sofort das sportliche und technische Reglement für die Saison 2019 in der vorläufigen Version auf bzw. gleich hier zum Download. Die wichtigsten Änderungen wurden im PDF-Dokument gelb markiert.

Die größte Änderung betrifft die Einteilung der Klassen:
Bei genügend Einschreibungen wird 2019 eine eigene Wertung für die ansonsten unterlegenen 6-Zylinder-Fahrzeuge ausgeschrieben. Der Name der neuen Klasse ist BOSS GP Prestige. Zugelassen sind Autos aus der World Series by Renault V6, der World Series by Nissan und Formel-3000-Autos mit Baujahr ab 2002.

Auswirkungen hat das auf die  Startnummern: Die Klasse Open für Formel-1-Autos, IndyCars und leistungsmäßig ähnliche Fahrzeuge bekommt die Startnummern 1 bis 9, die Klasse Formula für Formel 2 und ähnlich Autos die Nummern 20 bis 99, die Klasse Prestige 100 bis 990.

Fahrer und Teams können bereits ihre Nennung für die ganze Saison abgeben. Für alle, die vor Ende Februar nennen, gibt es eine Ermäßigung des Nenngeldes. Das Dokument befindet sich ebenfalls auf bzw. hier zum Download. Nennschluss ist der 29. März 2019.

2019 bestreiten die Big Open Single Seater (BOSS) ihre 25. Saison. Sechs attraktive Veranstaltungen mit 12 Rennen auf den schönsten Rennstrecken Europas stehen auf dem Programm:

New regulations for 2019

Only 86 days left until the first race of the BOSS GP 2019. Here are the first details about the anniversary season of Europe’s fastest racing series.

Interested drivers and teams can now find the preliminary version of the sporting and technical regulations for the 2019 season on or directly here for download. The most important changes have been marked yellow in the PDF document.

The biggest change concerns the classification of the classes:
If enough entries are submitted, a separate ranking for the otherwise less competitive 6-cylinder vehicles will be offered in 2019. The name of the new class is BOSS GP Prestige. Cars from the World Series by Renault V6, the World Series by Nissan and Formula 3000 cars built from 2002 onwards are permitted.

This has an effect on the start numbers: The Open class for Formula 1 cars, IndyCars and cars with similar performance gets the starting numbers 1 to 9, the Formula class for Formula 2 and similar cars the numbers 20 to 99, the Prestige class 100 to 990.

Drivers and teams can already submit their entries for the entire season. For all those who register before the end of February, there is a discount on the entry fee. The document can also be found at or downloaded here. The closing date for entries is March, the 29th 2019.

In 2019 the Big Open Single Seaters (BOSS) will have their 25th season. Six attractive events with 12 races on the most beautiful racetracks in Europe are on the schedule: