Will the titles already be awarded in Brno?
Settembre 8, 2016

26729ae040 The upcoming BOSS GP race weekend in Brno could see championship decisions in both the OPEN Class and the FORMULA Class.

Following an amazing weekend in Assen – including setting new track record – Ingo Gerstl is one step away from securing the title. Currently, the Austrian is 46 points clear of his closest rival Peter Milavec, and he needs four points out of the two races in Brno to take the championship.

Frist van Eerd wants to make up ground in the overall standings, which is why he swaps cars for this weekend – from his Minardi to his Benetton B199. Wolfgang Jordan is giving his comeback after his heavy crash in Monza, and Hans Laub is looking for another consecutive podium finish. Title holder Klaas Zwart is sidelined for the Brno event.

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Christopher Brenier is holding all aces. The Frenchman from the Easy Formula Team is leading the FORMULA Class by 77 points and runner-up Philippe Hazebrouck will not take part in Brno. Only Salvatore de Plano (Mangini Motorsport) has slim chances of stopping Brenier.

Local heroine Veronika Cicha and Wolfgang Jaksch have yet to confirm their starts, while Monza winner Chris Höher is back and aiming for another victory. However, Christof von Grünigen, Jens Renstrup, Luis Michael Dorrbecker or Christian Eicke want to keep the Austrian from taking Silverware.

The weather gods are smiling upon BOSS GP this time, as the forcecast predicts bright sunshine with temperatures up to 30 degrees Celsius.

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