Mese: Ottobre 2024

Großartiger Herbstbeginn in Mugello

Nach dem Rennen in Assen / Niederlande und der anschließenden Sommerpause zog es die Teams der BOSS GP Racing Serie Anfang Oktober in den Süden. Bereits bei Nennschluss stand fest, dass es in der Toskana mit 24 Boliden wieder ein sehr großes Starterfeld geben wird. HS-Engineering aus Österreich hatte in Assen pausiert, doch für Mugello waren wieder beide Dallara World Series V8 T12 genannt. Der brasilianische Ex-Formel 1 Pilot Antonio Pizzonia mit dem stärkeren 4,5 Liter Gibson-Aggregat in der Open-Class und der Ire Paul O´Connell mit dem 3,5 Liter V8. Das französische ZIG-ZAG-Team brachte mit dem Monegassen Nicolas Matile und dem Franzosen Jean-Christope Peyre wieder zwei altbekannte Auto-GP-Racer in der Formula-Class an den Start.

Jean-Christope Peyre (FRA), ZIG-ZAG Motorsport, Lola Auto-GP.

Ein Wiedersehen gab es auch mit Giancarlo Pedetti (ITA), der diesmal einen GP 2 der Scuderia Palladio pilotierte. Erstmals in dieser Formula-Class mit dabei der Tscheche Vladimir Netušil. Er wagte den Umstieg von einem Formel 3 in den GP2 des italienischen Teams MM International Motorsport. Zu dem großen Starterfeld gesellte sich auch der BOSS GP Super-Lights-Champion aus dem Jahr 2022, Andreas Hasler aus Österreich, der nach längerer, technisch bedingter Abstinenz wiederum seinem Dallara World Series V6 T08 in die Toskana brachte.
In den beiden freien Trainings, die bei wechselnden Bedingungen gefahren wurden, duellierten sich Ingo Gerstl (AUT) vom Team Top-Speed im Toro Rosso STR1 F1 und Antonio Pizzonia. Gerstl fuhr in FP1 mit 1:30.422 die schnellste Zeit, Pizzonia konterte als Schnellster in FP2, kam jedoch mit 1:31.513 nicht an die Zeit des Österreichers heran. Dahinter ein italienisches GP 2 Trio mit Simone Colombo, Massimiliano Cuccarese (beide MM International Motorsport) und Marco Ghiotto (Scuderia Palladio). Überraschend stark Neueinsteiger Vladimir Netušil, der sich nach den beiden freien Trainings hinter diesem Trio und somit im vorderen Feld der Formula-Class bemerkbar machte. Ein spannendes Qualifying war zu erwarten – und das gab es dann auch, allerdings mit erheblicher Verzögerung, denn der Morgennebel hielt sich hartnäckig und war so dicht, dass ein rechtzeitiger Beginn für keine der an diesem Wochenende in Mugello anwesenden Rennklassen möglich war. Erst zwei Stunden später als geplant gingen mit dem Alfa Romeo Revival Cup die ersten Piloten auf die Strecke.

Die durch den starken Nebel verursachten Verspätungen im Zeitplan trübte keineswegs die Stimmung bei den Teilnehmern der Boss GP Racing Series (im Bild: Paul O´Connell / HS-Engineering, Ingo Gerst / Top-Speed und Andreas Hasler / Hasler Motorsport).

Der Nebel verzog sich dann schnell und die Wetterlage verbesserte sich. Somit waren im Qualifying der BOSS GP wesentlich bessere Rundenzeiten möglich. Aufgrund des großen Starterfeldes wurden diesmal das 30-min. Qualifying wieder in zwei Gruppen aufgeteilt. Zuerst 10 Minuten für die schnellsten aus den freien Trainings und nach eine Wechselphase dann 18 Minuten für das restliche Feld.
Die Besten in der jeweiligen Klasse im Qualifying:

F1 Class:Ingo Gerstl (AUT), Team Top-Speed, Toro Rosso STR 1 F1
Open ClassAntonio Pizzonia (BRA), HS-Engineering, Dallara WS V8 T12 4,5
Formula Class:Simone Colombo (ITA), MM International Motorsport, Dallara GP2
Super Lights Class:Stephan Glaser (SUI), Jo Zeller Racing, Dallara WS V6 T08

Dominiert in diesem Jahr in der BOSS GP Super-Lights-Class: Stephan Glaser (SUI), Jo Zeller Racing, Dallara WS V6 T8.

Aufgrund der nebelbedingten Verzögerungen musste PNK als Veranstalter unter Absprache der Rennleitung und der BOSS GP Organisation den Zeitplan enorm straffen. Alle Serienveranstalter halfen sehr engagiert mit, um sämtliche geplanten Rennläufe durchzubringen. Für das Rennen 1 der BOSS GP, das mit knapp einer Stunde Verspätung gestartet wurde, musste dadurch die Renndauer um zwei Minuten gekürzt werden.
Klassenergebnisse BOSS GP Rennen 1:

Das Rennen 2 am Sonntag ging wie ursprünglich geplant über die Bühne.
In der Formation-Lap vorne weg die beiden Formel 1 mit Ingo Gerstl und Ulf Ehninger (GER), ESBA Racing, Benetton B197 F1. Hinter dem zweiten Leading Car das restliche Feld, angeführt von Antonip Pizzonia und gefolgt von einer Armada an GP2 Piloten der Formula Class. Da in den einzelnen Klassen einige Vorentscheidungen in Hinblick auf den Gesamtsieg fallen konnten, waren spannende Zweikämpfe und interessante Fights um die einzelnen Platzierungen in den Punkterängen zu erwarten. Und so kam es dann auch. Rundenlang wurden Positionen gewechselt.

Mit zwei Laufsiegen in Mugello rückt Simone Colombo (ITA, MM International Motorsport, Dallara GP2, im Bild vorne), dem bisher Führenden der BOSS GP Formula-Class, Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio, Dallara GP2) in der Punktewertung immer näher. Die Entscheidung um den Gesamtsieg dieser Klasse wird wohl am Misano-Wochenende Anfang November fallen.

Klassenergebnisse BOSS GP Rennen 2:

Da die F 1 Class der BOSS GP Anfang November beim Finale in Misano nicht am Start ist, steht Ulf Ehninger zum zweiten Mal als Gesamtsieger fest. Ebenso Antonio Pizzonia in der Open Class der BOSS GP. Keine Titelentscheidung gibt es in den restlichen zwei Klassen der BOSS GP. Hier sind sowohl Gesamtsieg und auch die Platzierungen dahinter noch offen. Es ist somit vom 1. Bis 3. November ein spannendes BOSS GP Finale in Misano zu erwarten.

Nach 2022 zum zweiten Mal Gesamtsieger der BOSS GP F1-Class: Ulf Ehninger (GER), ESBA Racing, Benetton B197 F1.

Konnte seinen BOSS GP Gesamtsieg in der Open-Class aus dem Vorjahr wiederholen: Ex-Formel 1 Pilot Antonio Pizzonia (BRA), HS-Engineering, Dallara World Series V8 T12 4,5.

Tabellenstand BOSS GP Racing Series – alle Klassen
Galerie PNK Racing Weekend Mugello

Bericht: Black/SMW MEDIA
Fotos: Angelo Poletto/BOSS GP

Great start to autumn in Mugello

After the race in Assen / Netherlands and the subsequent summer break, the teams of the BOSS GP Racing series headed south at the beginning of October. When entries closed, it was already clear that there would be a very large starting field in Tuscany with 24 cars. HS-Engineering from Austria had taken a break in Assen, but both Dallara World Series V8 T12s were entered for Mugello. The Brazilian ex-Formula 1 driver Antonio Pizzonia with the more powerful 4.5 liter Gibson engine in the Open Class and the Irishman Paul O’Connell with the 3.5 liter V8. The French ZIG-ZAG team brought two well-known Auto GP racers to the start in the Formula Class, the Monegasque Nicolas Matile and the Frenchman Jean-Christope Peyre.

Jean-Christope Peyre (FRA), ZIG-ZAG Motorsport, Lola Auto-GP.

There was also a reunion with Giancarlo Pedetti (ITA), who this time drove a GP 2 from Scuderia Palladio. The Czech Vladimir Netušil will be taking part in this Formula Class for the first time. He dared to switch from a Formula 3 to the GP2 of the Italian team MM International Motorsport. The large field of starters was also joined by the 2022 BOSS GP Super Lights champion, Andreas Hasler from Austria, who brought his Dallara World Series V6 T08 to Tuscany after a long, technical absence.

In the two free practice sessions, which were run in changing conditions, Ingo Gerstl (AUT) from the Top-Speed ​​team in the Toro Rosso STR1 F1 and Antonio Pizzonia duelled. Gerstl drove the fastest time in FP1 with 1:30.422, Pizzonia countered as the fastest in FP2, but with 1:31.513 he could not match the Austrian’s time. Behind them was an Italian GP 2 trio with Simone Colombo, Massimiliano Cuccarese (both MM International Motorsport) and Marco Ghiotto (Scuderia Palladio). Newcomer Vladimir Netušil was surprisingly strong, making himself noticeable behind this trio after the two free practice sessions and thus in the front field of the Formula Class. An exciting qualifying session was to be expected – and that’s what happened, but with a significant delay, because the morning fog persisted and was so thick that it was not possible for any of the racing classes present in Mugello this weekend to start on time. The first drivers, the Alfa Romeo Revival Cup, only took to the track two hours later than planned.

The delays in the schedule caused by the heavy fog did not dampen the mood of the participants of the Boss GP Racing Series (in the picture from left: Paul O´Connell / HS-Engineering, Ingo Gerst / Top-Speed ​​and Andreas Hasler / Hasler Motorsport).

The fog then quickly cleared and the weather improved. This meant that much better lap times were possible in the BOSS GP qualifying session. Due to the large field of starters, the 30-minute qualifying session was again split into two groups this time. First 10 minutes for the fastest from the free practice sessions and then 18 minutes for the rest of the field after a changeover phase.

The best in each class in qualifying:

F1 Class:Ingo Gerstl (AUT), Team Top-Speed, Toro Rosso STR 1 F1
Open ClassAntonio Pizzonia (BRA), HS-Engineering, Dallara WS V8 T12 4,5
Formula Class:Simone Colombo (ITA), MM International Motorsport, Dallara GP2
Super Lights Class:Stephan Glaser (SUI), Jo Zeller Racing, Dallara WS V6 T08

Dominating this year’s BOSS GP Super-Lights class: Stephan Glaser (SUI), Jo Zeller Racing, Dallara WS V6 T8.

Due to the delays caused by the fog, PNK as the organizer had to tighten up the schedule enormously in consultation with the race management and the BOSS GP organization. All series organizers helped very enthusiastically to get all the planned races through. For race 1 of the BOSS GP, which started almost an hour late, the race duration had to be shortened by two minutes.

Class results BOSS GP race 1:

Race 2 on Sunday went ahead as originally planned. In the formation lap, the two Formula 1 cars with Ingo Gerstl and Ulf Ehninger (GER), ESBA Racing, Benetton B197 F1, were at the front. Behind the second leading car was the rest of the field, led by Antonip Pizzonia and followed by an armada of GP2 drivers from the Formula Class. Since some preliminary decisions could be made in the individual classes with regard to the overall victory, exciting duels and interesting fights for the individual positions in the points were to be expected. And that’s exactly what happened. Positions were changed for laps.

With two race wins in Mugello, Simone Colombo (ITA, MM International Motorsport, Dallara GP2, pictured at the front) is getting ever closer to the previous leader of the BOSS GP Formula class, Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio, Dallara GP2) in the points ranking. The decision for the overall victory in this class will probably be made on the Misano weekend at the beginning of November.

Class results BOSS GP Race 2:

Since the BOSS GP F1 class will not be taking part in the finale in Misano at the beginning of November, Ulf Ehninger has been declared the overall winner of the F1 class for the second time. The same goes for Antonio Pizzonia in the BOSS GP Open Class. There is no title decision in the remaining two BOSS GP classes. Here, both the overall victory and the placings behind it are still open. An exciting BOSS GP finale can therefore be expected in Misano from November 1st to 3rd.

Overall winner of the BOSS GP F1 class for the 2nd time after 2022: Ulf Ehninger (GER), ESBA Racing, Benetton B197 F1.

Was able to repeat his BOSS GP overall victory in the Open Class from last year: Ex-Formula 1 driver Antonio Pizzonia (BRA), HS-Engineering, Dallara World Series V8 T12 4.5.

Standings BOSS GP Racing Series – all classes
Gallery PNK Racing Weekend Mugello

Report: Black/SMW MEDIA
Photos: Angelo Poletto/BOSS GP

Idoli di casa: Max Cuccarese

Shootingstar Massimiliano Cuccarese (liceale di Pignola in Basilicata) ha fatto un fantastico debutto in BOSS GP durante il weekend ad Assen. Prima della sua gara di casa al Mugello il pilota della squadra MM International ci spiega il fascino della BOSS GP Racing Series.

Quando hai cominciato col motor sport?

MAX CUCCARESE: „Ho seguito la MotoGP in TV. Così cominciavo a entusiasmarmi del motor sport. Con gli anni però ho preferito le auto da corsa, soprattutto le monoposto.”

Assen, agosto 2024: Max Cuccarese al debutto in GP2

Raccontaci il tuo percorso dal Kart alla BOSS GP Racing Series

CUCCARESE: „Nel 2020 (all’età di 13 anni, ndr) ho cominciato a correre nel campionato regionale della Campagna nella categoria Junior IMAE X30 a causa della pandemia COVID il mio debutto nel mondo delle corse è arrivato con un anno di ritardo e ho finito il campionato in terza posizione nonostante il fatto ero costretto a rinunciare a una gara per motivi familiari. Nel 2021 ho partecipato al Campionato Italiano per la prima volta e anche nel WSK-Euroserie a Sarno nella categoria OK Senior. L’anno seguente ho fatto il passo in monoposto con alcune sessioni di test in Formula 4 su varie piste italiane. Nel 2023 ho provato una Dallara F317 e inizio 2024 ho fatto un test con una Dallara F320 prima di fare il prossimo salto con la GP2 della MM International Motorsport in giugno.”

Potresti descriverci le tue sensazioni durante il primo weekend di gara nella BOSS GP Racing Series?  

CUCCARESE: CUCCARESE: „Onestamente non sapevo cosa mi dovessi aspettare di questa prima gara con una nuova macchina senza conoscere il circuito e dopo un periodo senza gare. Tuttavia dopo i primi giri nelle prove libere avevo una sensazione positiva e grazie al duro lavoro di tutto i membri del team ero convinto che saremo pronti a lottare per le posizioni da podio in gara. Quando ho visto la bandiera a scacchi in seconda posizione in gara 1, mi sono emozionato e ero molto contento per l’intero team.”

Prima gara, primo podio: Max (sin.) giunge secondo a Assen, dietro a Simone Colombo e davanti a Marco Ghiotto

Come ti piace l’ambiente in Boss GP?

CUCCARESE: „E‘ un ambiente molto piacevole, c‘è tanto di rispetto tra tutti i piloti e team, sia in pista sia nel paddock. Gli appassionati sono fantastici con una passione unica e un grande appoggio. Vorrei ringraziare la MM International Motorsport per la fiducia e per il lavoro svolto con immensa passione.”

Qual è il tuo obiettivo? A che cosa aspiri nel motorsport?

CUCCARESE: „Il mio obiettivo è prendere il volante delle più veloci auto di Formula come le F2, Super Formula, IndyCar e magari persino una Formula 1.”

Foto: Angelo Poletto/BOSS GP