Report: Free Practice Brno
septembre 6, 2019

The Masaryk Racing Days kicked off with roaring engines.

Friday is the usual practice day – that means two 30-minute track sessions for the high-speed monsters of BOSS GP. The fastest driver on the first day of the Masaryk Racing Days in Brno was Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed) in his 2006 Toro Rosso Formula 1 car. Gerstl set a superb time of 1:36,368 in his first fast lap of the day, just one second above last year’s lap record (1:35,155). A new track record is targeted but could be prevented by the forecast rainy weather tomorrow.

An Austrian was also fastest in the FORMULA category: Christopher Höher (AUT, Top Speed) is making his BOSS GP comeback this weekend. The 22-year-old is no unknown in racing, he already competed in the ADAC GT Masters and is multiple Austrian racing car champion. He has also left his mark with successes in the BOSS GP. In practice, Höher blasted a lap with 1:43.906 which was more than one and a half seconds faster than the second fastest Formula 2. For Bracalente, Fiedler & Co. he will be hard to crack this weekend. Höher also drives in memory of his recently passed away father. A special design on the Dallara Mecachrome is reminiscent in honour of the biggest supporter of his motorsport career.

Leader of the standings Alessandro Bracalente (ITA, Speed Center) nevertheless experienced a good training day, also because he, unlike his title opponent Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio), remained without a spin. While Bracalente qualified for Q1, Ghiotto must qualify in Q2. Whether it is an advantage, or a disadvantage will be proven tomorrow in qualifying at 10 am.

Third fastest FORMULA driver in the free practice sessions was Marc Faggionato (MCO, Zig-Zag). Last year’s winner in his art car will certainly be one of the promising candidates for a trophy this year as well. Luca Martucci (ITA, MM International) rolled out to the start-finish line in the second practice session, nevertheless he also qualified for Q1 with the fourth fastest FORMULA time. Back in the BOSS GP is Florian Schnitzenbaumer (DEU, Top Speed). The 2018 FORMULA Champion is only occasionally at the start this year, with the sixth fastest time he proved that he would like to have a say about the podium places on Saturday and Sunday.

Most BOSS GP pilots used the test day on Thursday to prepare for the weekend. For Salvatore de Plano (ITA, Top Speed) the race weekend was over before it even began. Problems with the engine could not be solved on site. Armando Mangini (ITA, MM International) is also missing. He is recovering from an operation and supports his team mates on site. Still, tomorrow 15 motivated drivers go into the first race day. Qualifying starts at 10 am, followed by the first race at 2:50 pm.

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