Category: General

Report: Rennen 2 Red Bull Ring

Sechstes Saisonrennen der BOSS GP Racing Series: Gerstl, Pizzonia, Colombo und Eisinger-Sewald feiern Doppelsiege. Vettel auch heute am Podium.

15 Minuten für die BOSS GP F1 Class und 25 Minuten für die weiteren Piloten standen am Sonntagsprogramm. Den Vatertag in Österreich nutzten viele Besucher, um an den Red Bull Ring zu pilgern. Ingo Gerstl im Formel-1-Toro-Rosso ließ es sich nicht nehmen, mit seinem F1 (reglementskonform) länger auf der Strecke zu bleiben und sich mit Antonio Pizzonia (BRA, HS Engineering) im getunten World Series 4.5 um den Gesamtsieg zu duellieren – zur Freude der Zuschauer. Gerstl gewann letzten Endes auch das sechste Saisonrennen der F1-Klasse vor Ulf Ehninger (GER) im 1997er-Benetton.

Wie schon gestern übernahm auch heute Sonntag OPEN-Teilnehmer Antonio Pizzonia zwischenzeitlich die Gesamtführung. Nach einer Gelbphase konnte sich der Brasilianer noch einige Runden an der Spitze halten und mit Rundenzeiten knapp über 1:15 min seine Zeiten von gestern weiter steigern, was locker zum Klassensieg reichte. Rang 2 ging an Paul O’Connell (IRE, HS Engineering) im 3,3-Liter-World-Series, der sich heute im Gesamtklassement weit vorne einreihte.

Turbulent ging es zeitweise in der FORMULA-Klasse zur Sache. Überrundungen, viele Positionswechsel und letztlich doch wieder derselbe Sieger: Simone Colombo (ITA, MM International) blieb heute unangetastet, auch wenn es zeitweise eng herging. In der Anfangsphase war zunächst Fabian Vettel (Top Speed) am Drücker. Der 24-jährige Deutsche überholte schon in der ersten Kurve Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) und blieb anschließend lange an Colombo dran. Doch wie schon gestern verlor Vettel am Ende des Rennens an Tempo. Damit bekam Marco Ghiotto noch einmal die Chance, den Fanatec-GP2 von Vettel zu überholen. Colombo nützte diese Phase, um sich entscheidend abzusetzen. Mit Saisonsieg Nr. 5 entflieht der Italiener nun auch in der Meisterschaftswertung seinen Gegnern. Hinter Marco Ghiotto holte sich Fabian Vettel auch heute den dritten Rang. Mit zwei dritten Plätzen bewies Vettel seine fahrerischen Qualitäten auch im Formel-Rennwagen, eine Fortsetzung folgt womöglich schon in Misano.

„Checco“ Malavasi (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) blieb heute fehlerfrei und bis zum Schluss an den Top-3 dran. Mit Rang 4 sammelte der ehrgeizige Italiener dicke Punkte für die Gesamtwertung. Andreas Fiedler (GER, Fiedler Racing) konnte sich trotz gebrauchter Reifen gegen die Kontrahenten im Mittelfeld durchsetzen. Bruno Jarach (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) folgte auf Klassenplatz 6 vor Thomas Jakoubek (Top Speed) als bestem Österreicher auf Rang 7. Und auch Teamboss Armando Mangini (ITA, MM International) fand mit Rang 8 einen versöhnlichen Abschluss seines Comeback-Wochenendes als Fahrer.

Ein bitteres Ende seines Rennens erlebte hingegen Alexander Geier (GER, Geier Racing). Der Salzburger lag zwischenzeitlich bereits auf Rang 2 vor Fabian Vettel. Mit einem Getriebeproblem beendete er das Rennen wenige Runden vor dem Ende enttäuscht in der Box.

SUPER LIGHTS-Fahrer Stefan Eisinger-Sewald (AUT, Red Rose Racing) war froh, dass das heutige Rennen um fünf Minuten länger war. Nach einem Dreher in Kurve 3 und einem zweiten beim Zurückkommen auf die Strecke war er bereits weit hinter Henry Clausnitzer (GER, WF Racing) zurückgefallen. Zwei Runden vor Schluss schaffte Eisinger-Sewald im Ralt-Formel-3000 aber doch noch den Anschluss und überholte schließlich den leistungsschwächeren World-Series-Boliden von Clausnitzer. Für Eisinger-Sewald war es ein gefeierter Doppelsieg, Tabellenführer bleibt dennoch Clausnitzer. Rang 3 ging an Walter Colacino (ITA), der sich an diesem Wochenende das Auto mit seinem Kollegen Sebastiano Sibani (ITA) teilte.

Die BOSS GP setzt die Europa-Tournee schon Mitte Juli fort. Am 22./23. Juli werden in Misano Adriatico Punkte in den Klassen OPEN, FORMULA und SUPER LIGHTS vergeben.

Fotos: Erwin Strassnigg/BOSS GP

Report: Qualifying Red Bull Ring

New Pirelli tyres were used in the hunt for the fastest time in qualifying at the Red Bull Ring Classics. Best starting positions for Gerstl, Pizzonia, Colombo and Clausnitzer.

Many spectators ran even faster from the car parking to the grandstands, when they heard the roar of the Formula 1 engines. The packed ranks followed 19 BOSS GP Racing Series cars in qualifying on Saturday morning. With a speedy time of 1:11.524 min, Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed) showed incredible pace in his ten-cylinder Toro Rosso from 2006. With an average speed of almost 220 km/h, the man from Salzburg amazed numerous visitors. Ulf Ehninger (GER, ESBA Racing) was unlucky in the 1997 Berger Benetton. The 2021 champion spun in turn 3 on his first fast lap and was not able to restart the car afterwards.

Still without traction control, but with a lot of driving pleasure, Antonio Pizzonia (BRA, HS Engineering) sets the tone in the OPEN class in the World Series Dallara with 4.5-litre Gibson engine. Team-mate Paul O’Connell (IRE) was afflicted with engine problems on Friday, but he was able to take part in qualifying and qualified 11th overall.

Simone Colombo (ITA, MM International) did not miss a beat in the third qualifying session of 2023. The Italian secured pole position in the first qualifying session and thus starts the races at the Red Bull Ring with the best starting position in the FORMULA class. But it was close again, only one tenth of a second was left by long-term rival Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) on his fastest lap compared to Colombo. Ghiotto tactically went out late in Q2, so he stayed out of traffic, improved lap after lap and came close to Colombo’s best time on his last fast lap.

The fight for pole position was also taken up by Fabian Vettel (GER, Top Speed) in the second Fanatec GP2. The German brilliantly performed in his premiere in a single-seater racing car. He went out on track late in the session for a finale shot. After setting the best time in the first sector he lapped the 4.318-kilometre circuit in 1:19.411 – which earned him third place by the narrow margin of not even two tenths of a second. “Checco” Malavasi (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) confirmed his consistent performance just behind the front runners with fourth place in class and will start the race with a chance of a podium finish. Behind him was Andreas Fiedler (GER, Fiedler Racing), who is again in a promising position after his return to the podium last time out in Hockenheim. Behind the two Top Speed drivers Florian Schnitzenbaumer (GER) and Thomas Jakoubek (AUT), Alexander Geier (AUT, Geier Racing) made a good debut in the GP2 car.

In the class of the SUPER LIGHTS, again only one driver was able to stay unscathed: Henry Clausnitzer (GER, WF Racing) secured pole position in the V6 World Series car, while both Sebastiano Sibani (ITA, Colacino) and Stefan Eisinger-Sewald (AUT, Red Rose Racing) had to pit early in their Formula 3000 cars.

The first of two races starts today, Saturday, at 15:50 local time and runs over a distance of 20 minutes (F1 Class 15 minutes). Tickets are still available at the box office. The races can also be followed via live timing.

Photos: Erwin Strassnigg/BOSS GP

Report: Rennen 1 Red Bull Ring

Die BOSS GP Racing Series war der Höhepunkt des ersten Renntages beim Red Bull Ring Classics 2023. Gerstl und Pizzonia mit nächsten Siegen, Colombo erkämpft sich FORMULA-Sieg und Premierenerfolg für Eisinger-Sewald.

Vor einer tollen Zuschauerkulisse und bei bestem Frühlingswetter lieferten die schnellsten Formelboliden der Welt eine großartige Show in Spielberg. In der ersten Rennhälfte des 20-minütigen Samstagsrennen blieben Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed) im Toro-Rosso-F1, Ulf Ehninger (GER, ESBA Racing) im Benetton-F1 und Antonio Pizzonia (BRA, HS Engineering) im modifizierten World-Series-Dallara eng beisammen. Pizzonia zog schnell an Ehninger vorbei und machte sich auf den Weg in Richtung Gerstl. Dieser spielte mit und die beiden erfahrenen Piloten tauschten Positionen. Pizzonia führte das Feld nach einer Safety-Car-Phase an, doch Gerstl schaltete einen Gang höher und übernahm mit Rundenzeiten unter 1 Minute und 15 Sekunden erneut die Führung und gewann zum fünften Mal in diesem Jahr. Während sich Antonio Pizzonia in der OPEN-Klasse die vollen Punkte sicherte, holte Ulf Ehninger den zweiten Rang bei den Formel-1-Wagen. Zweitplatzierter der OPEN-Klasse wurde Paul O’Connell (IRE, HS Engineering), der mit einem Bremsplatten an einem der Vorderreifen eine weit bessere Gesamtplatzierung vergab.

Die Spitzenplätze in der FORMULA-Klasse waren abermals hart umkämpft: Auch wenn Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) und Fabian Vettel (GER, Top Speed) mehrere Versuche starteten, Simone Colombo (ITA, MM International) den Sieg streitig zu machen, blieb dieser auch bei den Überrundungen geduldig und gewann erneut knapp vor Ghiotto. Fabian Vettel konnte das italienische Duo zwischenzeitlich trennen, nach der Safety-Car-Phase kam Ghiotto aber besser in der Gänge und überholte den Deutschen wieder. Vettel war mit Rang 3 beim Debüt im Formel-Rennwagen aber überaus zufrieden.

Podest am Samstag: Ghiotto, Clausnitzer, O’Connell, Ehninger, Pizzonia, Colombo, Gerstl, Eisinger-Sewald, Vettel

Ein ebenso sensationelles FORMULA-Debüt absolvierte Alexander Geier (AUT, Geier Racing). Dem jungen Österreicher gelang im Dallara-GP2 die zweitbeste Rundenzeit in der Klasse, im Klassement kam er hinter Vettel als Vierter ins Ziel. Auf Rang 5 folgte Andreas Fiedler (GER, Fiedler Racing), auf Rang 6 Thomas Jackermeier (GER, Top Speed). Der siebentplatzierte„Checco“ Malavasi (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) vergab eine bessere Platzierung kurz vor Schluss mit einem Dreher. Pech hatte auch Marco Minelli (ITA, AM Sport System) bei seinem Debüt. Er drehte sich am Ende der zweiten Runde ausgangs der letzten Kurve und musste das Rennen schon früh aufgeben.

Überragend fuhr der Österreicher Stefan Eisinger-Sewald (Red Rose Racing) zum Heimsieg in der SUPER LIGHTS-Klasse. Nach einem Problem mit dem Schaltgestänge im Qualifying lief der Formel-3000-Wagen des BOSS GP-Rookies fehlerfrei. Damit setzte er sich bei seinem zweiten Rennwochenende in der BOSS GP Racing Series gegenüber dem Deutschen Henry Clausnitzer (WF Racing) durch.

Das zweite Rennen startet am Sonntag um 10:40 Uhr Ortszeit.

Fotos: Erwin Strassnigg/BOSS GP, Michael Jurtin

Preview: Red Bull Ring

The Red Bull Ring Classics from 9 to 11 June 2023 will celebrate its premiere in Spielberg. Joining them at Austria’s Formula 1 circuit is Europe’s fastest racing series,

Fans can expect a unique mix of Formula 1, Formula 2 and GP2, World Series and Formula 3000 cars. For the first time Sebastian Vettel’s younger brother Fabian will compete in the BOSS GP Racing Series next weekend. With him on the grid: ex-Formula 1 driver Antonio Pizzonia and thousands of horsepower.

Fabian Vettel makes his debut in a GP2 race car next weekend


First and foremost, Salzburg’s record champion Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed) will compete in the BOSS GP F1 Class. With his Toro Rosso STR1, he not only holds various track records, but has also conquered the hearts of numerous fans with the V10 Cosworth engine. Gerhard Berger’s Benetton from 1997, today driven by Ulf Ehninger (GER, ESBA Racing) in its original livery, also brings back nostalgic memories.

Modified cars that no longer comply with the original regulations of their racing series compete in the OPEN class. The best-known representative in this illustrious field is former Formula 1 driver Antonio Pizzonia. The Brazilian competed for BMW Williams on this circuit in 2003, this year once again he is chasing F1 cars in the field with a World Series V8 bolide with a big 4.5-litre Gibson engine. Team-mate Paul O’Connell from Ireland will start with a World Series car powered by a 3.3-litre Cosworth engine and will be able to fight among the GP2 cars. Both mentioned race cars are entered by HS Engineering.

The field of Formula 2, GP2 and World Series 3.5 cars features several highlights. 24-year-old Fabian Vettel (GER), who recently competed in the ADAC GT Masters, among others, is driving in the BOSS GP Racing Series for the first time. With a GP2 car from the Austrian Top Speed team, the driver from Heppenheim could cause a sensation in FORMULA class right from the start. Simone Colombo (ITA, MM International) comes to Spielberg as the overall leader. After three wins in four races this season, he has already pulled a few points clear of his toughest rival Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio). Other contenders for the top positions include Thomas Jackermeier (GER, Top Speed) in the Fanatec GP2, “Checco” Malavasi (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) and Andreas Fiedler (GER, Fiedler Racing). The debut of Alexander Geier (AUT, Geier Racing) from Salzburg in the GP2 car will be interesting. Last year, the young man from Salzburg made a big impression in the SUPER LIGHTS category. With the experienced hillclimb driver and organiser of the Rechbergrennen, Christian Ferstl (AUT), a Styrian local hero will also be competing in this class with a GP2 Dallara.

The 21-strong field is completed by the Formula 3000 of Walter Colacino (shared with Sebastiano Sibani; both ITA) and the V6 World Series of Henry Clausnitzer (GER, WF Racing) as well as Stefan Eisinger-Sewald’s (AUT, Red Rose Racing) Ralt-F3000 in the SUPER LIGHTS class.


Friday, 9 June
14:10–14:35          Free Practice 1
16:35–17:00          Free Practice 2

Saturday, 10 June
09:10–09:40          Qualifying (separated in two groups)
15:50–16:10          Race 1 (20 minutes/F1 Class 15 minutes)

Sunday, 11 June
10:40–11:05          Race 2 (25 minutes/F1 Class 15 minutes)

all times CEST


Day tickets for Saturday and Sunday cost 28 Euro each in advance booking (, the weekend ticket is available for 42 Euro – paddock and pit lane walk are included.

Support events

In addition to BOSS GP, nine other racing series will ignite fireworks of historic motorsport. Spectacular racing cars from all over the world will be on display. Further highlights are the Group C Supercup, the CanAm & Sportscars, the Super Sixties and the touring cars from the Golden Era of DRM, DTM and STW.

Photos: Angelo Poletto/BOSS GP, Vettel

Report: Race 2 Hockenheim

The Hockenheim Historic once again offered a lot to the spectators on Sunday. Double wins for Gerstl, Pizzonia, Colombo and Clausnitzer.

Antonio Pizzonia (BRA, HS Engineering) was clearly enjoying himself as he held the lead for a while with the World Series V8 ahead of the Formula 1 of Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed). For several laps the two swapped the lead in the race until Gerstl finally picked up the pace and saw the black and white chequered flag for the BOSS GP F1 Class first. The race for the premier class ended after just 15 minutes to reduce the running time of the valuable cars. For Pizzonia, it continued for another ten minutes, which he filled with more lap times just short of the 1:30 barrier. Pizzonia, who drove to class victory yesterday with a failed traction control system, also secured full points in OPEN class today. Climbing onto the class podium with him was team-mate Paul O’Connell (IRE) in a Dallara World Series car that had also been modified.

Duel in SUPER-LIGHTS category: Jody Stadelmann (le.) and Henry Clausnitzer (ri.)

Once again Simone Colombo (ITA, MM International) and Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) met on the track. The “eternal duel” in FORMULA class continued, at least in the early stages, until Colombo was able to shake off his rival with strong lap times after a safety car interruption. With his third victory in four races this season, Colombo was already able to build up a cushion on his fiercest rivals. Behind Ghiotto, Alexander Seibold (GER, Seibold Auto + Sport) held third place until shortly before the end. Marc Faggionato (ITA, MM International) stopped at the pre-start and then rushed after the field. Shortly before the end of the race he caught up with Seibold and tried to overtake the German several times. Seibold held his ground for a long time, but then had to give way in front of the Mercedes grandstand. However, with 4th place Seibold got his best BOSS GP placing so far. As the best German he also stayed ahead of Andreas Fiedler (GER, Fiedler Racing), who had started with used tyres and therefore could not start any more attacks to the front. A collision between Florian Schnitzenbaumer (GER, Top Speed) and “Checco” Malavasi (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) ended their race. Thomas Jackermeier (GER, Top Speed) also spun off the track in a promising position at the exit of the Bernie Ecclestone bend.

In the SUPER LIGHTS class, “to finish first, you first have to finish” was the key this time. Stefan Eisinger-Sewald (AUT, Red Rose Racing) went home to the workshop already on Saturday evening after a gearbox failure, but Jody Stadelmann (SUI) in the Formula Nippon was able to take part in today’s race after a steering failure yesterday. The victory, however, went to Henry Clausnitzer (GER, WF Racing), who has become a series winner with his fourth victory in the fourth race.

f. le.: Stadelmann, Ghiotto, O’Connell, Ehninger, Pizzonia, Colombo, Clausnitzer, Gerstl, Faggionato

It is now five weeks until the third event of the season. For the first time, BOSS GP will be part of the Red Bull Ring Classics programme from 9 to 11 June.

Pictures: Angelo Poletto

Report: Race 1 Hockenheim

In front of a record crowd at the Bosch Hockenheim Historic, the BOSS GP Racing Series brought Formula 1, Formula 2 and co. back to the Hockenheimring. Podium finishes for the Germans Henry Clausnitzer, Ulf Ehninger and Andreas Fiedler.

Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed) dominated the BOSS GP F1 Class in the Toro Rosso STR1 and controlled the pace ahead of Ulf Ehninger (GER, ESBA Racing) in the nine-year older Benetton B197. For Gerstl it was the third victory, for Ehninger the third podium of the new season.

Once again, Antonio Pizzonia (BRA, HS Engineering) focused on the hunt for the fastest lap. With a time of 1:29.007 min, he succeeded in doing just that in the World Series Dallara-Gibson. Paul O’Connell, who had travelled from Ireland and was also serviced by HS Engineering, was moved to the OPEN class after qualifying. His car is a 2002 World Series Dallara with a 3.3 litre Nicholson McLaren tuned Cosworth V8 giving it significantly more power than originally. O’Connell classified in the front group among the Formula 2 and in second place in the OPEN class behind Pizzonia.

The BOSS GP orchestra played big

There were numerous movements in the FORMULA class over the 20-minute race. Despite a safety car phase after a spin by Alexander Seibold (SUI, Seibold Auto + Sport), Andreas Fiedler still had enough time to advance into the top three. The German made his way from 8th on the grid and defended the last spot on the podium against “Checco” Malavasi, who had to settle for 4th. For Fiedler, it was his first podium since 2020 right on his debut in a 2008-generation GP2 Dallara.

At the front, it was another epic duel between Simone Colombo (ITA, MM International) and Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio), which kept coming to a climax all the way to the finish line. In the end, 0.085 seconds decided victory and second place. Colombo kept the upper hand, took his second win of the season and extended his lead in the standings.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer (GER) recovered from a spin in the early stages and still managed to finish 5th ahead of Top Speed team-mate Thomas Jakoubek (AUT). The duel between Thomas Jackermeier (8th) and his son Simon (10th) was won by Thomas. He will also be on display at the BOSS GP Hypercar Demonstration tomorrow Sunday at 9:35 am when he will pilot his over 1,000-hp Aston Martin Valkyrie around the 4.6-kilometre circuit.

Henry Clausnitzer (GER, WF Racing) could hardly believe it as he took victory in the SUPER LIGHTS for the third time in three races. Stefan Eisinger-Sewald (AUT, Red Rose Racing) was still able to take home the trophy for second place in the class. However, due to a clutch failure and subsequent damage to the gearbox, he had to retire from the race early. As this is irreparable on site, Eisinger-Sewald’s Ralt RT23 Formula 3000 will not be seen again until the next event at the Red Bull Ring.

A second race over the longer distance of 25 minutes will follow on Sunday. The race start is scheduled for 2:05 p.m. and can again be followed in the livestream.

Photos: Angelo Poletto

Report: Qualifying Hockenheim

Pole position for Gerstl in the Toro Rosso STR1. FORMULA: Colombo finishes slightly ahead of Faggionato. O’Connell in front in his comeback in the SUPER LIGHTS class.

Thousands of spectators crowded into the Motodrom early in the morning. The Hockenheim Historic is expecting a record number of spectators on Saturday. The qualifying of the BOSS GP Racing Series at the Hockenheimring took place early this morning in perfect spring weather. The best grid positions for the two races were determined.

In the BOSS GP F1 Class there was no surprise: Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed) took pole position for the second time this year in his 2006 Toro Rosso Formula 1, with a lap time of 1:21.140 min, just slightly behind his pole time from last year. He will be joined on the front row of the grid in both races by German Ulf Ehninger (ESBA Racing) in the Benetton B197.

19 years after his last appearance at Hockenheim, Antonio Pizzonia (BRA, HS Engineering) is back at Hockenheim. The ex-Formula 1 driver will start for the second time this weekend in HS Engineering’s modified World Series Dallara. The Brazilian will be back in the hunt for the Formula 1 cars in his OPEN class race car.

Florian Schnitzenbaumer shows strong pace at his motorsport comeback

The FORMULA class had never been so close in qualifying. The top 5 were separated by less than one and a half seconds on the fastest lap. The Italian MM International team celebrated a row one “lockout”: Simone Colombo (ITA) beat Marc Faggionato (MCO) by one tenth of a second. Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) follows in 3rd place, who has his usual more difficult time at the Hockenheimring. “Checco” Malavasi (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) and Florian Schnitzenbaumer (GER, Top Speed) also expect to have a chance of a podium finish. The latter, on his return after a break of several years, is to be found at the front of the field right away and was able to set a good lap time despite an aborted second attempt. Alexander Seibold (GER, Seibold Auto + Sport) also had a fantastic qualifying session in his first BOSS GP race in 2023. The German will start from 7th in class in an eye-catching design combination with a homage to Valentino Rossi and Jo Siffert.

In the SUPER LIGHTS, after the solo of Henry Clausnitzer (GER, WF Racing) last time in France, there is a lot going on this time. An outstanding best time was set by Paul O’Connell (IRE, HS Engineering), who is driving an older Dallara with a eight-cylinder engine this year. With a best time of 1:32.368 min he qualified in the middle of the field of GP2 cars. The two newcomers Jody Stadelmann (SUI) in a G-Force-Mugen from Japan and Stefan Eisinger-Sewald (AUT, Red Rose Racing) follow in 2nd and 3rd place on the grid.

The start times are 14:40 on Saturday and 14:05 on Sunday. Both races will be livestreamed.

Photos: Angelo Poletto/BOSS GP

Preview: Hockenheim

From 5 to 7 May, one of the biggest international classic events of 2023 will take place at the Hockenheimring in Baden-Württemberg. The highlight for fans in the Motodrom: the BOSS GP Racing Series with Formula 1 drivers and cars from the 1990s and 2000s.

“Racing to see, hear, smell, taste and touch” – in short: “Enjoying Motorsport” is the motto of this year’s Bosch Hockenheim Historic. The event is held in honour of the Scottish Formula 1 World Champion Jim Clark, who died in a Formula 2 race at the Hockenheimring on 7 April 1968. Traditionally, the event always attracts around 500 starters and more than 20,000 fans in spring. This year, motorsport fans will be offered even more.


20 drivers have entered the second event of the BOSS GP Racing Series season after the season opener in Le Castellet in April. The world’s fastest racing cars will not only be presented to a large audience in Hockenheim, but there will also again be a battle for points in four classes. The BOSS GP Formula 1 class will feature Ingo Gerstl (AUT, Top Speed) in the Toro Rosso STR1 and Ulf Ehninger (GER, ESBA Racing), the 2021 champion from Tübingen. Ehninger will start in a former Hockenheim winner’s car, the Benetton B197. Thomas Jackermeier (GER, Top Speed), who last competed in a Toro Rosso STR3, could surprise the crowd. However, his start in another ten-cylinder car is still questionable.

A “must-see” for many is the entry of Antonio Pizzonia (BRA) in a World Series car from HS Engineering in the OPEN class. The Brazilian last competed at the – already rebuilt – Hockenheimring in 2004. At that time, he raced for BMW-Williams in Formula 1.

In the FORMULA class, the Italian regulars such as Simone Colombo (MM International), Marco Ghiotto and “Checco” Malavasi (both Scuderia Palladio) will be joined by several returnees to the series. Among others, the Germans Alexander Seibold (Seibold Auto + Sport) and Andreas Fiedler (GER, Fiedler Racing) will make their comeback with their GP2 cars. We can also look forward to the Hockenheim debut of Paul Ricard winner Marc Faggionato (ITA, MM International).

In the SUPER LIGHTS category, Henry Clausnitzer (GER, WF Racing), who won both races at Le Castellet in the Tatuus World Series car, will have new opponents at Hockenheim. With Joey Stadelmann (SUI, G-Force) in a Japanese Formula Nippon and the well-known Paul O’Connell (IRE, O’Connell Motorsport) and the Austrian Histo Cup winner Stefan Eisinger-Sewald (Red Rose Racing) in a Ralt Formula 3000, there are three new opponents for Clausnitzer this time.


Friday, 5 May
13:30–14:00 Free Practice 1
17:05–17:35     Free Practice 2

Saturday, 6 May
09:35–10:05     Qualifying (two groups)
14:40–15:00     Race 1 (20 minutes)

Sunday, 7 May
14:05–14:30     Race 2 (25 minutes)

all times CEST

Tickets and live stream

Friday tickets start at 15 euros, day tickets for Saturday and Sunday cost 35 euros and 30 euros respectively. If you want to experience the entire weekend, tickets start at 49 euros. Tickets can be purchased via the online ticket shop, at the open box offices on site or by calling the hotline at +49(0)6205 950-222. The races of the BOSS GP Racing Series as well as a large part of the other programme on Saturday and Sunday can also be followed from home: The link to the live stream is

Support events

As part of the race programme, BOSS GP driver Thomas Jackermeier (GER, Top Speed) will contest a few demo laps in the brand-new Aston Martin Valkyrie on Sunday. Visitors to the Bosch Hockenheim Historic can watch the hypercar premiere from 9:35 am.

Around 500 participants from all over the world will captivate the many expected fans in their partly priceless historic racing cars in eleven different series. They will be able to admire the “Touring Cars of the Golden Era”, the four categories of FIA Masters Historic Racing represented at Bosch Hockenheim, the Group C Supercup, Raceclub Germany, the Historic Racecar Association, the Lurani Trophy for Formula Junior racers and the Historic Formula 2.

Photos: Angelo Poletto

Premiere für BOSS GP Hypercar Demonstration

Im Rahmenprogramm des Bosch Hockenheim Historic präsentiert die BOSS GP Racing Series dem Publikum den brandneuen Aston Martin Valkyrie.

BOSS GP-Fahrer Thomas Jackermeier (GER, Top Speed) wird am Sonntag, dem 7. Mai 2023, einige Demo-Runden im Aston Martin Valkyrie bestreiten. Die Besucher des Bosch Hockenheim Historic können die Hypercar-Premiere ab 9:35 Uhr mitverfolgen.

Die beeindruckenden technischen Daten des brandneuen Aston Martin Valkyrie lassen einen Rundenrekord für straßenzugelassene Fahrzeuge möglich erscheinen: Der V12-Saugmotor von Cosworth in Kombination mit einem Elektromotor leistet über 1.100 PS. Die sieben Gänge des Doppelkupplungsgetriebes werden sequenziell eingelegt, das Leergewicht des Mittelmotor-Sportwagens liegt bei unter 1.400 Kilogramm.

Tickets für das historische Saisonhighlight inklusive den Rennen der BOSS GP Racing Series am Hockenheimring gibt es unter und an den Tageskassen zu erwerben.

Fotos: Aston Martin

Premiere for BOSS GP Hypercar Demonstration

As part of the support programme of the Bosch Hockenheim Historic, the BOSS GP Racing Series will present the brand new Aston Martin Valkyrie to the public.

BOSS GP driver Thomas Jackermeier (GER, Top Speed) will contest a couple of demo laps in the Aston Martin Valkyrie on Sunday, 7 May 2023. Visitors to the Bosch Hockenheim Historic can follow the hypercar premiere from 9:35 am.

The impressive technical specifications of the all-new Aston Martin Valkyrie make a track record for road-legal vehicles seem possible: The naturally aspirated V12 engine from Cosworth in combination with an electric motor produces over 1,100 hp. The seven gears of the dual-clutch transmission are engaged sequentially, and the unladen weight of the mid-engine sports car is less than 1,400 kilograms.

Tickets for the historic racing highlight of the season at the Hockenheimring, including the BOSS GP Racing Series races, are available at and at the box office.

Pictures: Aston Martin