Category: General

Race calendar 2024 revealed

By New Year’s Eve, the BOSS GP Racing Series has published its dates for its anniversary season.

In the 30th year of Europe’s fastest and, for many, most exciting racing series, the teams and drivers of the BOSS GP Racing Series will once again be on tour in Europe. The organisers have succeeded in combining familiar race tracks and new events. Once again, only circuits with the highest safety standards were selected. This ensures that the infrastructure offers only the best conditions and that the drivers compete on the same tracks where Formula 1 and MotoGP are usually in action. Not to forget the unforgettable atmosphere at events such as the Jim Clark Revival in Hockenheim or Jack’s Racing Day in the Netherlands.


The 2024 season will once again kick off at the Hockenheimring (3-5 May), where tens of thousands of spectators will once again await the cars and their drivers in the packed Motodrom. Three weeks after the ADAC Hockenheim Historic, the long-awaited comeback will take place at the Nürburgring (24-26 May). The Nürburgring Classic at the legendary circuit in the Eifel will be one of the highlights of the season.

Following this, we will hit the track for the series’ home race in Spielberg (7-9 June), where the BOSS GP Racing Series will make its second appearance as the highlight of the Red Bull Ring Classics. This will be followed by another appearance in Assen (2-4 August), where a full house at the legendary TT Circuit will once again get to hear the unique sound of our line-up at Jack’s Racing Day (free entry!).

The finale will again be a double-header in Italy in Autumn. First up is one of the favourite tracks of many drivers, the Mugello Circuit (11-13 October) in Tuscany. This will be followed three weeks later by the “Grande Finale” at the Misano World Circuit (1-3 November), a track that has delivered exciting races in recent years and has been well appreciated by the teams and drivers. Due to the track grading, no Formula 1 cars will be on track at the finale.


However, after the successful test event in Brno in 2023, these cars will have the opportunity to compete in a new show race format called “F1 Car Legends” in 2024. The two dates at the Grand Prix de France Historique in Le Castellet (19-21 April) and at Jack’s Racing Day in Assen from the 2nd to the 4th of August have already been confirmed. More details on this offer for Formula 1 car owners will be available shortly at


As in the past, there will be two races per race weekend in addition to the practice and qualifying sessions. Whoever collects the most points in his or her class at the end of the year will be crowned champion. Last year, this was the case for Ingo Gerstl (BOSS GP F1 Class), Antonio Pizzonia (OPEN), Simone Colombo (FORMULA) and Henry Clausnitzer (SUPER LIGHTS).

The regulations for the 2024 season and the registration forms will be published on soon. The documents from the previous year are available as a reference for interested participants:

Photo: WF Racing

Calendrier des courses 2024 révélé

À la veille du Nouvel An, la BOSS GP Racing Series a publié les dates de sa saison anniversaire.

Pour la 30e année de la série de courses la plus rapide et, pour beaucoup, la plus passionnante d’Europe, les équipes et les pilotes de la BOSS GP Racing Series seront à nouveau en tournée en Europe. Les organisateurs ont réussi à combiner des circuits de course familiers et de nouveaux événements. Une fois de plus, seuls des circuits répondant aux normes de sécurité les plus élevées ont été sélectionnés. Cela garantit que l’infrastructure n’offre que les meilleures conditions et que les pilotes s’affrontent sur les mêmes pistes que celles où la Formule 1 et la MotoGP sont habituellement en action. Sans oublier l’atmosphère inoubliable qui règne lors d’événements tels que le Jim Clark Revival à Hockenheim ou le Jack’s Racing Day aux Pays-Bas.


Le coup d’envoi de la saison 2024 sera à nouveau donné au Hockenheimring (3-5 mai), où des dizaines de milliers de spectateurs attendront à nouveau les voitures et leurs pilotes dans le Motodrom plein à craquer. Trois semaines après l’ADAC Hockenheim Historic, le retour tant attendu aura lieu au Nürburgring (24-26 mai). Le Nürburgring Classic sur le circuit légendaire de l’Eifel sera l’un des temps forts de la saison.

Ensuite, nous prendrons la piste pour la course locale de la série à Spielberg (7-9 juin), où la BOSS GP Racing Series fera sa deuxième apparition en tant que point culminant des Red Bull Ring Classics. Cette course sera suivie d’une autre à Assen (du 2 au 4 août), où une salle comble du légendaire circuit TT pourra à nouveau entendre le son unique de notre gamme lors du Jack’s Racing Day (entrée gratuite !).

La finale sera à nouveau un double programme en Italie à l’automne. Le premier sera l’un des circuits préférés de nombreux pilotes, le circuit du Mugello (11-13 octobre) en Toscane. Il sera suivi trois semaines plus tard par la “Grande Finale” au Misano World Circuit (1-3 novembre), un circuit qui a donné lieu à des courses passionnantes ces dernières années et qui a été bien apprécié par les équipes et les pilotes. En raison du nivellement du circuit, aucune voiture de Formule 1 ne sera en piste lors de la finale.


Cependant, après l’événement test réussi à Brno en 2023, ces voitures auront l’occasion de participer à un nouveau format de course-spectacle appelé “F1 Car Legends” en 2024. Les deux dates du Grand Prix de France Historique au Castellet (19-21 avril) et du Jack’s Racing Day à Assen du 2 au 4 août ont déjà été confirmées. Plus de détails sur cette offre destinée aux propriétaires de voitures de Formule 1 seront bientôt disponibles sur


Comme par le passé, il y aura deux courses par week-end de course en plus des séances d’entraînement et de qualification. Celui ou celle qui recueillera le plus de points dans sa classe à la fin de l’année sera couronné(e) champion(ne). L’année dernière, ce fut le cas pour Ingo Gerstl (BOSS GP F1 Class), Antonio Pizzonia (OPEN), Simone Colombo (FORMULA) et Henry Clausnitzer (SUPER LIGHTS).

Le règlement de la saison 2024 et les formulaires d’inscription seront bientôt publiés sur Les documents de l’année précédente sont disponibles à titre de référence pour les participants intéressés :

Photo: WF Racing

Rivelato il calendario delle gare 2024

A Capodanno, la BOSS GP Racing Series ha pubblicato le date per la stagione del suo anniversario.

Nel 30° anno della serie di gare più veloce e, per molti, più emozionante d’Europa, i team e i piloti della BOSS GP Racing Series saranno di nuovo in tour in Europa. Gli organizzatori sono riusciti a combinare tracciati familiari ed eventi nuovi. Ancora una volta sono stati selezionati solo circuiti con i più alti standard di sicurezza. Questo garantisce che l’infrastruttura offra solo le migliori condizioni e che i piloti gareggino sugli stessi tracciati dove di solito sono in azione la Formula 1 e la MotoGP. Senza dimenticare l’atmosfera indimenticabile di eventi come il Jim Clark Revival di Hockenheim o il Jack’s Racing Day nei Paesi Bassi.


La stagione 2024 prenderà nuovamente il via all’Hockenheimring (3-5 maggio), dove decine di migliaia di spettatori attenderanno ancora una volta le auto e i loro piloti nel Motodrom gremito. Tre settimane dopo l’ADAC Hockenheim Historic, il tanto atteso ritorno avrà luogo al Nürburgring (24-26 maggio). La Nürburgring Classic sul leggendario circuito dell’Eifel sarà uno dei momenti salienti della stagione.

Successivamente, scenderemo in pista per la gara di casa della serie a Spielberg (7-9 giugno), dove la BOSS GP Racing Series farà la sua seconda apparizione come evento clou delle Red Bull Ring Classics. Seguirà un’altra apparizione ad Assen (2-4 agosto), dove il leggendario TT Circuit sarà ancora una volta pieno di gente che potrà ascoltare il suono unico della nostra formazione al Jack’s Racing Day (ingresso gratuito!).

Il finale sarà ancora una volta un doppio appuntamento in Italia in autunno. Il primo è uno dei circuiti preferiti da molti piloti, l’Autodromo del Mugello (11-13 ottobre) in Toscana. Seguirà, tre settimane dopo, la “Grande Finale” al Misano World Circuit (1-3 novembre), un circuito che negli ultimi anni ha regalato gare entusiasmanti ed è stato molto apprezzato da team e piloti. A causa della classificazione del tracciato, in occasione della finale non scenderanno in pista vetture di Formula 1.


Tuttavia, dopo il successo dell’evento di prova a Brno nel 2023, queste auto avranno l’opportunità di competere in un nuovo formato di gara spettacolo chiamato “F1 Car Legends” nel 2024. Le due date del Grand Prix de France Historique a Le Castellet (19-21 aprile) e del Jack’s Racing Day ad Assen dal 2 al 4 agosto sono già state confermate. Ulteriori dettagli su questa offerta per i proprietari di auto di Formula 1 saranno disponibili a breve sul sito


Come in passato, ci saranno due gare per ogni weekend di gara, oltre alle sessioni di prove e qualifiche. Alla fine dell’anno sarà incoronato campione chi avrà raccolto il maggior numero di punti nella propria classe. L’anno scorso è stato così per Ingo Gerstl (Classe BOSS GP F1), Antonio Pizzonia (OPEN), Simone Colombo (FORMULA) e Henry Clausnitzer (SUPER LIGHTS).

Il regolamento per la stagione 2024 e i moduli di iscrizione saranno pubblicati a breve su I documenti dell’anno precedente sono disponibili come riferimento per i partecipanti interessati:

Foto: WF Racing

Saison 2023 & Champions Night

BOSS GP 2023: 5 Länder – 7 Events – 14 Rennen – 4 Klassen – 20 Teams – 40 Piloten – 11 Nationen.

Am Samstag, 25. November 2023, fand dieses Jahr die Champions Night der BOSS GP Racing Series statt. Die Teilnehmer der schnellsten Rennserie Europas trafen sich im traumhaften Ambiente des Restaurant M23 am Mönchsberg, mit herrlichem Blick über die Stadt Salzburg. Im 29. Jahr der BOSS Serie wurden die 14 Rennen an sieben Wochenenden in fünf europäischen Ländern ausgetragen. Zwanzig teilnehmende Teams setzten ihre Boliden in vier Klassen ein und schickten dabei insgesamt 40 Piloten aus 11 Nationen an den Start.

In der BOSS GP F1 Class, der Klasse der reinrassigen Formel 1 Fahrzeuge, siegte abermals der Österreicher Ingo Gerstl mit seinem Toro Rosso STR1 Cosworth vom Team Top-Speed. Es ist der achte Gesamterfolg des Salzburgers, womit er sich als alleiniger Rekordsieger in die Erfolgsliste der BOSS GP Serie eintrug. Der weltbekannte Künstler und Bildhauer Jos Pirkner, Ehrengast des Abends am Mönchsberg und Gestalter des legendären Designs des Toro Rosso Formel 1 Boliden, überreichte Ingo Gerstl die Trophäe zum BOSS GP Gesamtsieg. Zweiter in der Formel 1 Klasse wurde der Deutsche Ulf Ehninger mit seinem Benetton B197-F1 von ESBA-Racing vor dem Franzosen Didier Sirgue von LRS Racing im Jaguar R2-F1.

Die BOSS GP OPEN Class gewann Antonio Pizzonia aus Brasilien. Der ehemalige Williams- und Jaguar-Formel 1 Pilot steuerte einen Dallara World Series V8-T12 des österreichischen Teams HS Engineering supportet by ZELE Racing. Damit war der liebenswerte Brasilianer nicht nur stets im Windschatten des Toro Rosso von Ingo Gerstl, sondern bei den 14 Rennen in der Open Class auch 13-mal ganz oben am Podest. Den zweiten Platz belegte der stets gut gelaunte Ire Paul O´Connell, dessen Dallara NME World Series ebenfalls von HS Engineering / ZELE Racing eingesetzt und betreut wurde.

Zahlenmäßig am stärksten belegt war die BOSS GP FORMULA Class und da dominierten wieder die GP2 Boliden von Dallara-Mecachrome 4.0 V8. Insgesamt 29 Piloten scheinen in den Punkterängen der FORMULA Class auf, wobei die ersten drei Plätze nach Italien gingen. Besonders hervorzuheben dabei, der das ganze Jahr über andauernde Zweikampf an der Spitze, zwischen dem späteren Sieger Simone Colombo von MM International und Marco Ghiotto von der Scuderia Palladio / Team Nardi Compressori. Die Fights zwischen den beiden Piloten waren hart, jedoch immer sehr fair. Mehrmals trennten die beiden an der Ziellinie nur wenige Zentimeter. Den dritten Gesamtrang in der FORMULA Class belegte Cecco Malavasi, ebenfalls von der Scuderia Palladio vor dem besten deutschen Piloten, Andreas Fiedler von Fiedler Racing / Team Leonhart, der nur um einem Punkt Rückstand das Podest in der Gesamtwertung verfehlte. Ebenfalls sehr stark in dieser FORMULA Class der Monegasse Marc Faggionato vom italienischen Team MM International, der zu Beginn der Saison in Paul Ricard sogar einen Klassensieg erzielte und dann im Laufe des Jahres mehrmals aufs Podest fuhr. Beachtenswert auch der Österreicher Roland Rupprechter, der als Neueinsteiger in die BOSS GP Serie in den Punkterängen der FORMULA Class als Neunter von 29 Piloten aufscheint.

Den Sieg in der BOSS GP SUPER LIGHTS Class holte sich Henry Clausnitzer aus Deutschland von WF Racing auf einem Tatuus World Series V6. Zweiter in der Klasse der Hubraum-schwächeren Rennwagen wurde der stets mit vollem Einsatz fahrende Österreicher Stefan Eisinger-Sewald von Red Rose Racing auf seinem wunderschönen Ralt RT23-F3000. Dritter bei den SUPER LIGHTS wurde der Italiener Walter Colacino / W. Colacino Racing auf einem Lola T96/50-F3000.

Im kommenden Jahr 2024 feiert die BOSS Serie ihr 30-jähriges Bestehen seit der Gründung durch Roger Cowman und seine Freunde in Großbritannien. Für die Jubiläumssaison 2024 stehen sechs Rennwochenende im Kalender, dazu gesellen sich zwei Termine, an denen F1-Showruns stattfinden werden.

Gesamtergebnis BOSS GP Racing Series 2023 – Alle Klassen

Fotos: Angelo Poletto/BOSS GP

Saison 2023 et Soirée des Champions

BOSS GP 2023: 5 pays – 7 épreuves – 14 courses – 4 classes – 20 équipes – 40 pilotes – 11 nations.

La Champions Night de la BOSS GP Racing Series de cette année a eu lieu le samedi 25 novembre 2023. Les participants à la série de courses la plus rapide d’Europe se sont réunis dans la merveilleuse ambiance du restaurant M23 à Mönchsberg, avec une vue magnifique sur la ville de Salzbourg. Pour la 29e édition de la série BOSS, les courses se sont déroulées sur sept week-ends dans cinq pays européens. Vingt équipes participantes ont aligné leurs voitures dans quatre classes et ont envoyé un total de 40 pilotes de 11 nations aux événements.

Dans la classe BOSS GP F1, la classe des pur-sang de Formule 1, l’Autrichien Ingo Gerstl a de nouveau gagné avec sa Toro Rosso STR1 Cosworth du Team Top-Speed. Il s’agit du huitième succès du natif de Salzbourg, ce qui en fait le seul recordman au palmarès des succès de la série BOSS GP. L’artiste et sculpteur de renommée mondiale Jos Pirkner, invité d’honneur de la soirée à Mönchsberg et créateur du design légendaire de la voiture de course de Formule 1 Toro Rosso, a remis à Ingo Gerstl le trophée de la victoire générale du BOSS GP. L’Allemand Ulf Ehninger est arrivé deuxième de la catégorie Formule 1 avec sa Benetton B197-F1 d’ESBA-Racing devant le Français Didier Sirgue de LRS Racing sur la Jaguar R2-F1.

La classe BOSS GP OPEN a été remportée par le Brésilien Antonio Pizzonia. L’ancien pilote de Formule 1 Williams et Jaguar s’est imposé au volant d’une Dallara World Series V8-T12 de l’équipe autrichienne HS Engineering soutenue par ZELE Racing. Cela signifie que l’adorable Brésilien a non seulement toujours été dans le sillage de la Toro Rosso d’Ingo Gerstl, mais aussi sur la première place du podium à 13 reprises lors des 14 courses de la classe Open. La deuxième place est revenue à l’Irlandais Paul O’Connell, toujours de bonne humeur, dont la Dallara NME World Series a également été réalisée par HS Engineering / ZELE Racing.

La classe BOSS GP FORMULA était la plus peuplée en termes de nombre et les voitures Dallara-Mecachrome 4.0 V8 GP2 ont de nouveau dominé. Au total, 29 pilotes figurent au classement par points de la classe FORMULA, les trois premières places revenant à l’Italie. Il convient de noter en particulier le duel au sommet qui a duré toute une année entre le futur vainqueur Simone Colombo de MM International et Marco Ghiotto de la Scuderia Palladio / Team Nardi Compressori. Les luttes entre ces deux pilotes ont été rudes, mais toujours très justes. Plusieurs fois, quelques centimètres seulement les séparaient sur la ligne d’arrivée. Cecco Malavasi, également de la Scuderia Palladio, a pris la troisième place du classement général de la catégorie FORMULA devant le meilleur pilote allemand, Andreas Fiedler de Fiedler Racing / Team Leonhart, qui a raté le podium au classement général d’un seul point. Marc Faggionato de Monaco, au volant d’une voiture de l’équipe italienne MM International, était également très fort dans cette classe FORMULE. Il a même remporté une victoire de catégorie au Paul Ricard en début de saison puis est monté plusieurs fois sur le podium tout au long de l’année. A noter également l’Autrichien Roland Rupprechter, qui, en tant que nouveau venu dans la série BOSS GP, apparaît neuvième sur 29 pilotes au classement par points de la FORMULA Class.

La victoire dans la classe BOSS GP SUPER LIGHTS revient à l’Allemand Henry Clausnitzer de WF Racing sur un Tatuus World Series V6. L’Autrichien Stefan Eisinger-Sewald de Red Rose Racing, qui a toujours piloté avec un engagement total, est arrivé deuxième avec sa belle Ralt RT23-F3000 dans la catégorie des voitures de course de faible cylindrée. L’Italien Walter Colacino / W. Colacino Racing est arrivé troisième en SUPER LIGHTS sur une Lola T96/50-F3000.

L’année prochaine, en 2024, la série BOSS fêtera les 30 ans de sa création par Roger Cowman et ses amis en Grande-Bretagne. Il y a six week-ends de course dans le calendrier pour la saison anniversaire 2024, plus deux dates auxquelles auront lieu les spectacles de F1.

Résultats complets 2023 BOSS GP Racing Series – toutes classes

Photos: Angelo Poletto/BOSS GP

Season 2023 & Champions Night

BOSS GP 2023: 5 countries – 7 events – 14 races – 4 classes – 20 teams – 40 drivers – 11 nations.

This year’s Champions Night of the BOSS GP Racing Series took place on Saturday, November 25, 2023. The participants in Europe’s fastest racing series met in the wonderful ambience of the M23 restaurant on Mönchsberg, with a great view over the city of Salzburg. In the 29th year of the BOSS series, the races were held over seven weekends in five European countries. Twenty participating teams fielded their cars in four classes and sent a total of 40 drivers from 11 nations to the events.

In the BOSS GP F1 Class, the class of pure-bred Formula 1 vehicles, the Austrian Ingo Gerstl won again with his Toro Rosso STR1 Cosworth from Team Top-Speed. It is the Salzburg native’s eighth overall success, making him the sole record winner in the list of successes in the BOSS GP series. The world-famous artist and sculptor Jos Pirkner, guest of honor of the evening at Mönchsberg was the creator of the legendary design of the Toro Rosso Formula 1 racing car, presented Ingo Gerstl with the trophy for the BOSS GP overall victory. The German Ulf Ehninger came second in the Formula 1 class with his Benetton B197-F1 from ESBA-Racing ahead of the Frenchman Didier Sirgue from LRS Racing in the Jaguar R2-F1.

The BOSS GP OPEN Class was won by Antonio Pizzonia from Brazil. The former Williams and Jaguar Formula 1 driver was successful in a Dallara World Series V8-T12 from the Austrian team HS Engineering supported by ZELE Racing. This means that the lovable Brazilian was not only always in the slipstream of Ingo Gerstl’s Toro Rosso, but also at the top of the podium 13 times in the 14 races in the Open Class. Second place went to the always good-humored Irishman Paul O’Connell, whose Dallara NME World Series was also performed by HS Engineering / ZELE Racing.

The BOSS GP FORMULA Class was the most heavily populated in terms of numbers and the Dallara-Mecachrome 4.0 V8 GP2 cars dominated again. A total of 29 drivers appears in the points rankings of the FORMULA Class, with the first three places going to Italy. Particularly noteworthy was the year-long duel at the top between the eventual winner Simone Colombo from MM International and Marco Ghiotto from Scuderia Palladio / Team Nardi Compressori. The fights between this two drivers were tough, but always very fair. Several times only a few centimeters separated the two at the finish line. Cecco Malavasi, also from Scuderia Palladio, took third place overall in the FORMULA Class ahead of the best German driver, Andreas Fiedler from Fiedler Racing / Team Leonhart, who missed the podium in the overall standings by just one point. Also very strong in this FORMULA Class was Marc Faggionato from Monaco in a car from the Italian team MM International. He even achieved a class win in Paul Ricard at the beginning of the season and then made it to the podium several times throughout the year. Also worth noting is the Austrian Roland Rupprechter, who, as a newcomer to the BOSS GP series, appears ninth out of 29 drivers in the FORMULA Class points rankings.

The victory in the BOSS GP SUPER LIGHTS Class goes to Henry Clausnitzer from Germany from WF Racing on a Tatuus World Series V6. The Austrian Stefan Eisinger-Sewald from Red Rose Racing, who always drove with full commitment, came with his beautiful Ralt RT23-F3000 on second in the class for racing cars with lower displacement. The Italian Walter Colacino / W. Colacino Racing came third in the SUPER LIGHTS on a Lola T96/50-F3000.

Next year, in 2024, the BOSS series will celebrate 30 years since its founding by Roger Cowman and his friends in Great Britain. There are six race weekends in the calendar for this anniversary season in 2024, plus two dates on which F1 show runs will take place.

Full results 2023 BOSS GP Racing Series – all classes

Photos: Angelo Poletto/BOSS GP

Report: Race 2 Mugello

The last winner’s trophies of the 2023 season go to Antonio Pizzonia, Simone Colombo and Walter Colacino.

In perfect weather, the drivers of the BOSS GP Racing Series were challenged once again on Sunday lunchtime: The longer 25-minute race had to be contested and at numerous positions drivers fought for a better result.

Not impressed by this, Antonio Pizzonia (BRA) took another overall victory today. The driver of the Austrian team HS Engineering also took first place in the final race of the OPEN class this season. With a time of 1:31.120 min, Pizzonia topped his best lap time from yesterday. This means that Pizzonia has now managed to set a new lap record in his World Series 4.5, as only Formula 1 cars have ever been faster on this track. The previous record holder was Harald Schlegelmilch (LVA), OPEN champion in 2022, also in this car.

Simone Colombo (ITA, MM International) was the one who left his mark on the 14th race of the season in the FORMULA class. After Pizzonia had lost ground due to degrading tyres, Colombo had even taken the lead for a moment. Behind him, Marc Faggionato (MCO, MM International) built up pressure in the early stages, with Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) hot on his heels. Sometimes on the edge of track limits, the top drivers in the FORMULA class gave each other nothing in the final race of the season. On lap 11 of 16, Ghiotto overtook the Faggionato in front of him. But the gap to Colombo had already grown to several seconds. So once again it was Colombo who was allowed to open the champagne first. Ghiotto took second place, Faggionato came third.

Salvatore de Plano (ITA, MM International) finished behind, Andreas Fiedler (GER, Fiedler Racing) was in fifth place. In a nice triell, the two Zig Zag drivers Jean-Christophe Peyre (FRA) and Nicolas Matile (MCO) as well as the Scuderia Palladio supported Bruno Jarach (ITA, Eesti Motorsport) met. For almost 15 laps the group were together, finally Jarach beat the two Auto GP cars to the chequered flag. In SUPER LIGHTS, Walter Colacino (ITA, Walter Colacino Racing) took home another victory.

After seven events in France, Germany, Austria, Italy and the Netherlands, the champions for the 2023 season are Ingo Gerstl (BOSS GP F1 Class), Antonio Pizzonia (OPEN), Simone Colombo (FORMULA) and Henry Clausnitzer (SUPER LIGHTS). They will be honoured at the end-of-year party at the end of November in the city of Salzburg.

Photo: Angelo Poletto/BOSS GP

Report: Race 1 Mugello

Simone Colombo continues his hot streak with his tenth win of the season. Colacino and Pizzonia win their classes.

After securing the championship title last time out in Monza, Simone Colombo (ITA, MM International) is not slowing down in the first Mugello race. The now two-time BOSS GP Champion managed to keep Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) at distance once again. The Italian battle in the FORMULA class continued in Mugello, although this time it was much less tense between the two GP2 drivers. By the way, Ghiotto finished in the top-3 for the tenth time this season.

In the battle for third place, Andreas Fiedler (GER, Fiedler Racing) had already built up a small lead over the drivers behind him before a safety car interruption reunited the pack. Fiedler defended hard but always fair against Marc Faggionato (MCO, MM International) before the Monegasque was able to overtake Fiedler in the third sector. A small driving mistake a little later also allowed Salvatore de Plano (ITA, MM International) to pass the German. Faggionato was annoyed despite third place, because not for the first time this year a bad start robbed the fast all-rounder of his chance to fight for victory.

Sixth place went to Nicolas Matile (MCO) of the French team Zig-Zag. Bruno Jarach (ITA, Eesti Motorsport) took 7th place ahead of Jean-Christophe Peyre (FRA, Zig-Zag), who crossed the finish line only just behind. Roland Rupprechter (AUT, Rupprechter Motorsport) was delighted with another finish.

Antonio Pizzonia (BRA, HS Engineering) was on the best way to overall victory, but on lap 5 the former Formula 1 driver stopped in turn 3 because the shifting of the World Series Dallara did not work correctly anymore. Walter Colacino (ITA, Walter Colacino Racing) took the full points in the SUPER LIGHTS classification and climbed onto the podium as well. The last chance to take a trophy this season is tomorrow, Sunday: the longer, 25-minute race starts at 11:00 a.m. CEST.

Photo: Angelo Poletto

Report: Qualifying Mugello

Antonio Pizzonia leading the way, exciting races expected in FORMULA and Walter Colacino best SUPER LIGHTS driver in Qualifying.

In the finest late summer weather, the 5.245-kilometre track at Mugello presented its most beautiful side to the BOSS GP drivers. In qualifying, which determines the starting grid for both races, Antonio Pizzonia (BRA, HS Engineering) set the fastest time in the OPEN classification for the seventh time this season. This time, the ex-Formula 1 driver from Williams and Jaguar will lead the full field to the start, as he did in Misano earlier this year.

In the FORMULA class, a three-way battle for the top spot is expected after practice and qualifying: Simone Colombo (ITA), Marc Faggionato (MCO, both MM International) and Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) were separated by just a few tenths of a second on their fastest lap – they will probably fight it out between themselves for victory.

Following them was another MM International driver, Salvatore de Plano (ITA) starts from third row. The two Auto GP cars from Zig-Zag will start from row 3 and 4: Nicolas Matile (MCO) was faster than team-mate Jean-Christophe Peyre (FRA). Best in the SUPER LIGHTS class this time around was Walter Colacino (ITA, Walter Colacino Racing) in his Formula 3000.

Roland Rupprechter (AUT, Rupprechter Motorsport) and Andreas Fiedler (GER, Fiedler Racing) both came to an early end to their practice sessions after a spin. However, both will be able to take part in the races. The start of the first race is today, Saturday, at 14:10 CEST, the second race starts tomorrow, Sunday, at 11:00 CEST.

Photo: Angelo Poletto/BOSS GP

Preview: Grande Finale Mugello

One more time this year, the engines of the BOSS GP Racing Series will be fired up: The grand finale of the 2023 season will take place in Tuscany.

For rounds 13 and 14 of the season, the teams and drivers will travel to one of the most beautiful racetracks on the continent. The 5.245-kilometer track at Mugello (built in 1974) will be the the venue for the finale of a great 2023 season that will be remembered for, among other things, new spectator records.

The Mugello Circuit is owned by Ferrari and traditionally hosts the MotoGP. In 2020, the track in Tuscany also was the venue for a Formula 1 race. The sequences of corners are mostly fluid and fast, the topography hilly. This makes the track, which was built in 1974, a favourite of many drivers. In addition, temperatures of around 30 degrees Celsius are forecast for the coming weekend.


With no F1 cars in the entry list, Antonio Pizzonia (HS Engineering) goes into the finale as the favourite for overall victory. For the Brazilian, however, it is once again a good opportunity to attack the lap record of a non-F1. Should he see the checkered flag in both races yet again, he could finish the season without a retirement and with a 100 percent win rate in the OPEN class.

In the most competitive class FORMULA, where Formula 2 and World Series cars meet, MM Motorsport brings the most promising line-up to the start line: With Simone Colombo (ITA), Marc Faggionato (MCO) and Salvatore de Plano (ITA) three former race winners have entered the event. They will take on Marco Ghiotto (ITA, Scuderia Palladio) who wants to make the most of his last chance for a win this season. Another Italian, Bruno Jarach, will start in Ghiotto’s team.

Nicolas Matile (MCO) and Jean-Christophe Peyre (FRA) will compete for the French Zig-Zag Motorsport team. Both will be driving one of the spectacular Auto GP cars. Andreas Fiedler (GER, Fiedler Racing) is now fully back after a few absences this season and has a good chance of jumping up a few places in the overall standings.

And in the SUPER LIGHTS? Walter Colacino (ITA, Colacino Racing) is also coming to Tuscany with his Formula 3000. He shares the Lola, built in 1996, with his colleague Roberto Vanni (ITA).


Friday, 6 October
11:30–12:00          Free Practice 1
16:00–16:30          Free Practice 2

Saturday, 7 October
10:00–10:30          Qualifying (separated in two groups)
14:10–14:30          Race 1 (20 minutes)

Sunday, 8 October
11:00–11:25 Race 2 (25 minutes)

all times CEST


On Friday, admission is free. 5 Euros is the price of admission to the grounds on Saturday and Sunday. Admission to the paddock and the main grandstand is 15 Euros. For women, 14 to 17-year-olds and ACI members there is a reduced price of 10 Euros. Free admission is granted to residents of the nearby municipality of Scarperia e San Piero and children up to 14 years of age.

Support program

Other racing series in the program of the PNK Racing Weekend in Mugello are the F2000 Trophy with the Drexler Formel Cup (Formula 3, Formula Renault 2.0, etc.), the Lurani Trophy for Formula Junior cars, the Sports Car Challenge and Master Tricolore Prototipi, as well as GT and touring car races with modern and historic bolides.

Photos: Angelo Poletto/BOSS GP